I think I remember how, last time I did it, I was rather under the influence.... Remove 7 (?) 7mm self tapping bolts from underneath car, that attach the black undertray to bumper Remove 1 philips head screws, and 2 scrivets that attach inner wheel arch splash tray to bumper. Repeat for other side. Remove grille by unscrewing the 2 scrivets. You may have to remove the black "air deflection panel" that sits above grille, cant remember if you do or not.... Remove 2 10mm bolts that attach bar to radiator support behind previously removed grille. The next bit is scary... Once all the screws are removed from the splash guards, and grille etc, grab the edge of the bumper near where you removed the screws that attach the bar to the wheel arch splash tray, and pull it away from the car in one fast quick motion. It will make a loud "crack". The bumper attaches to the lower guard via a "press fit" type bracket, and the bar and bracket need to be separated. Once both sides of the brackets are released from bar, carefully remove bar, remembering that you also have to unplug the fog lights once you have enough access. It sounds involved, and full on, but once you have done it, it is a piece of cake, and replacement is a reversal of removal. If anyone can add to this procedure, please feel free to post away!