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The Kerb Warrior

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Everything posted by The Kerb Warrior

  1. Well, with the bigger target of 1,000 in mind cams certainly wouldn't hurt. But again, lot to consider. Driveability, whether you want it on the street, and as Tocchi said, build the motor strong without cams, and go a bigger turbo. I think I'd go this way too.
  2. Also regarding cams. Unless you are going silly power I wouldn't. I know someone who went Stage 4 cams and while it sounded more awesome than most V8's I've ever heard, he said it was a pig to drive, even in the auto. Don't get me wrong, it's cool as hell haha. But keep in mind that driveability and good fuel economy will go out the window haha
  3. I've read through about half of this thread mate, and the only thing I want to mention is pick a tuner/place and stick with them for all of it, so they know the car. Personally I would go NO WHERE but Monsta Torque or Xtreme Ford Tuning. I was considering buying one that had work done from BPT and didn't buy it simply for the fact it wasn't done at one of these two places. These aren't like the 'fully sik hectik' V8 holdens than every man and his dog can work on. These are more of a fine art and the modifications have so many variables, and the tuning is super important. I'm sure you already know that due to having the GTR, but just keep that in mind. I couldn't stress enough the importance of going to only MT or XFT. That's just my opinion anyways.
  4. Congrats mate! They are a beautiful vehicle, that's for sure.
  5. Haha mine is what you'd call a one off, I promise there's no bloody flames though haha
  6. Haven't got my car yet Kurt, sorry to say haha. Can't speak for everyone though
  7. Thought this would be a good thread to have (and maybe even sticky). Lets have a look at everyones custom paintwork! I'll be contributing to this thread with pictures over the next couple of weeks.
  8. Haha, he's referring to me. I took a corner at a set of lights I wasn't familiar with and took it a little sharp. Once I realises there was a 'second' section to the island It was either take out Phil's gorgeous F6 ute or kerb it, hence the username (that was changed without my consent I might add! Haha, I just roll with it). He is right though, the ruises are very sensible, I mean we've all seen that old boy Arron and his million F6's getting the back end a little happy from time to time Hahaha. Hope to see you on some cruises. If you have questions, almost everything under the sun has been covered on here. The search bar is definitely your friend! Otherwise, chuck up a thread and there'll be plenty of people to chime in and assist.
  9. Welcome aboard Martin! Definitely mate, if you've got any distinguishing modifications or accessories (or custom plates even) let us know what to look out for! The forum is great, lot of friendly, and exceptionally knowledgable people. Only thing you'll need to be able to handle is some banter and sarcasm, this site is riddled with it haha. I've got a new ve-hicle on the way, so keen to get on a cruise in the next month or two, so we should definitey arrange one. Our cruises have always been a lot more sedate than the holden/jap car cruises. Less being stupid, more enjoying the group chit chats and driving. Generally lots of flutter going on though! haha. What suburb are you in mate?
  10. Spotted a really tidy white BFII F6 R Spec parked outside a place on Guildford road at about 4.15 on Wednesday. Had a big exhaust, and a number plate like 'RO 01" or something like that, definitely 'RO' at the start. Looked like a country plate, like the 'shire' ones. White plate with black writing. Very nice car.
  11. If you are worried about damaging the paint, You can do it without a machine, but you'd want to have some solid arms on you, and a lot of time haha I personally wouldn't recommend many people using a proper buffing machine without knowing how, seen way too many people ruin paint jobs.
  12. Yeah it should run well into the 12's man.
  13. 10 Tenths is great, I was using it in my cars back 4 or 5 years ago when I first got it into the stores, its good stuff. When I was feeling a little rich I did enjoy the Royal Purple stuff too. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think a lot of people (and seems most tuners) like to use Edge 5-30 from what I hear?
  14. I'm all for the idea of stickers. Gotta rep the big, happy family that we're all a part of!
  15. Yeah would be interesting to hear. If I'm honest I don't care for a flat foot 800 or 1000m go haha. 400 is plenty And yes, being closer to Perth is a big advantage for PC. I know nothing about MV though, is that any good?
  16. Haha far more than I'd like Matty.
  17. Don't plan to go there. Just asking if they are that bad they would ruin a car with 40,000kms? haha
  18. Haha yeah I was thinking that it would be plausbile for .stripes. to make this sort of post, haha. I'm just as good though, right?
  19. Unfortunately I can't enjoy whatever hilarious picture you've put in Ralph, on the work computer and can't see the image haha.
  20. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?! @.Stripes. - I made that post... How the hell did I end up randomly logged into your account? hahaha that's odd. To everyone reading, I made this topic - not Stripes haha
  21. Hi All, Looking at getting back into the turbo falcon family, and I've seen quite a well priced car. It's got a few mods on it, and has been done by BPT. Now, for a long time they were really hit and miss, and heard a few horror stories, but everywhere I look it seems more and more people are going there. Have they improved? Are they starting to put out some good work? I still can't see myself giving my car to anyone but Rob, but wanted an opinion on what they were like as I've not heard after the past few years, simply seen more people using them. Thanks in advance!
  22. 180,000 is more than I want haha. Sorry John, didn't realise it was you with the different username man! Glad to see you've got one for yourself!
  23. Oh wow, fair enough haha. Hear people saying Powercruise is better?
  24. If I've got something I might head down.... Depends what suspensions on whatever car I have. Wont be going down to do 250+ on stock suspension that's for sure hahaha. So where's the list at for whose going?
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