Since I was 17, I'm now 19 years old. 1. '94 Mistubish Lancer Wagon (wet, no tread, raining, lost traction turn a corner and pulled against it, im really used to RWD's, and hit an island, got air and split a stop sign in half and wrote it off). 2. '92 Subaru Liberty (wicked fun car, awesome as a cheap car). 3. '79 HZ Ute, 253, Cam, Metallic purple, Hornet bonnet scoop, looked and sounded the part, great cruiser, drove like sh*t but wicked fun. 4. '06 BF XR6 (Deja Vu in colour, hence the member name. This was a straight swap with the HZ ute, I bought that ute for 5,000, got a bargain). 5. '05 BF XR6 Turbo Ute, Rapid, Stock, ZF. 6. '06 BFII F6 Typhoon, 500rwhp, Looked stock, wicked fun. 7. '07 BFII Fairmont Ghia, Silk blue/silver, apart from speed, was probably the best car of the lot (except my current car) 8. '93 VPII SS, Charcoal, custom exhaust (Parents bought it new from the factory and only sold a few years ago, found it for sale again and couldn't help but buy it. Soon sold it after seeing how molested the poor thing was. Was a hunk of sh*t in the end. 9. '08 FG XR6T Sedan - HEXR6T - 385rwkw, Built Motor, GT35/40 etc