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The Kerb Warrior

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Everything posted by The Kerb Warrior

  1. Oh wow, it changed my ' F - C - U - K to *beep*. I thought if fhark and fark get through that would be alright haha.
  2. Well congrats man, *beep* being single for 7 or 8 years. Glad it went well for you and I'm sure next time will be just as good
  3. Haha I know that's what he meant And no, I haven't physically held them side by side unfortunately haha.
  4. Only borg warner's I've felt have been in Volvo's, though I gotta say the feel of the S60/V60 polestars are awesome. Wicked torque and awesome feeling
  5. PAH http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn.meme.am/instances/63773818.jpg&imgrefurl=http://es.memegenerator.net/instance/63773818&h=400&w=400&tbnid=JMACU1dVrl3emM:&docid=988TmocSU74x-M&itg=1&ei=gELUVYXMHcK0mAWOg4TYAw&tbm=isch&ved=0CCoQMygOMA5qFQoTCIWM9J3htMcCFUIapgodjgEBOw This forum is full of 'sh*t stirrer's'. They mean no harm. It's all in good fun. You'll definitely have to get used to it or may find yourself getting offended from time to time.
  6. Don't see many people using the Borg Warner's on their falcons. I know little about them so can't comment much, but it's funny you don't see many of them round if they have better technology/drivability etc than the precision turbo's. Because the last 2 years has been raving on about how precision are more versatile and better than the garretts....
  8. Has anyone tried any of these 8 pot brakes? I think there's AL Racing brakes, CC brakes, and I was sure XYZ one too but can't seem to find any. I'm a huuuuuge sucker for gigantic ass calipers!
  9. "how'd you do that?" "Hit it with a hammer :-(" Compassion seeking like a boss! Hahaha
  10. Hi Mate, Appreciate the response I was aware of most of that, but unless I didn't quite understand it all correctly I still haven't quite got why you can run higher compression on E85. Arron said if running E85 the OP should crank up the compression. I have made the assumption that he is encouraging that purely because of the E85, meaning that it is more forgiving and safer to run higher Compression on E85 than pump fuel (95/98 etc). Firstly, is that correct? I'm aware that running higher compression can increase power and naturally aspirated cars generally have a higher compression ratio as oppose to vehicles with forced induction. Are you saying that E85's ability to cool the intake charge and resist detonation allows there to be a bigger margin for safety in the tune, therefore allowing the possibility of upping the compression (closing that safety gap) that would not be possible in something running on petroleum (because of it's smaller window of safety)? Thanks again
  11. Yeah sorry Stripes, tried to give a good answer but this forum probably wasn't the best place to discuss/seek advice on this hahah.
  12. Arron, Would you mind explaining how running E85 allows you to run a higher cylinder compression? Is it because it's less dense? And that's not something that's always done by tuners when they tune the car for E85 is it? (if it was I guess that would explain why people get such astonishing results with it).
  13. You'll be right Stripes sounds like it turned out to be a good night, so wouldn't stress too much. Unfortunately women are a pain in the a$$. Ya gotta play the game to start, they love it, think they've got you. But you can't play long enough that they think they've got you hooked. That's when you turn around one day and be like 'biaaaatch! This happenin' or what?'....... Bitches love that... But seriously wouldn't stress mate, sounds like it turned out well There's always that added stress and worry if the date actually went well and you enjoyed it. Like you said, gives you a good excuse to catch up and hopefully arrange another date when you get the glasses Also, smart move 'forgetting' your glasses It's happening! The first man to use a woman's move on a woman!
  14. When that thing turns on..... https://www.google.com.au/search?q=moe+simpsons+running+knife&espv=2&biw=1440&bih=785&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI3_aLlamyxwIVoiOmCh2G9QDH#imgrc=bvyHtMQ5iUGlMM%3A (Apologies, can't add pics when I'm at work)
  15. Pepsi? Look out, hitting the hard stuff haha. Always Pepsi max for me, used to it now and sugar drinks now taste gross and give me a ripper headache.
  16. Peter, You're not one of these bloody crystal method hooligans are you young man? *old lady voice*
  17. Horrible to hear mate. Hope you get your car back in one piece.
  18. Good to hear mate. Unfortunately it's hard to find a lot of tyres out there with great traction that are also long lasting. Potenza's are quite a good all round tyre in my opinion so hopefully they serve you well.
  19. Well mate I'd say most shops would do a stage 1 (which would be injectors, tune, re-gap plugs, maybe a cat as well) for about $3,000? Less if no cat. Correct me if I'm wrong folks but that should see a solid 275-300rwkw range. Get a nice intake while your at it and for $3,500 you'll have something with a heap more power than standard, and will sound great too. Then you'll have say $1,500 for suspension and might be able to pick up a second hand brembo kit or at least new DBA's and pads for a decent price too.
  20. Was in an S60 polestar a little while ago. Had a go (from about 50kms) with a Supercharged LSA VF ute (wasn't a Maloo, was an SS that was I think the first converted ute in Perth - Was Eddy Tassone from Active driving it). He had a dirt bike in the back, we both went, I heard this thing start screaming and watched the front lift in my side mirror. Was actually kinda scared I was going to be sucked into the supercharger it was so loud.... Anyways, much to my surprise, I was slowly, slowly tearing away. It was only till we got to ridiculous speeds that nobody should ever reach on roads that he came back and starting overtaking. Was very happy though, this thing would have had to have had close to 500rwhp if not more. Just glad we had a rolling start
  21. Yeah, you can't get retail unfortunately. Privately he should hopefully get about 30 Personally I don't think I would cause I dont know that I've totally warmed to the FGX look.
  22. For all the bitches wanting to get up in his business and they hear mad turbo spool? Oh you mean new tyres. Yeah tyres are always a good investment. Don't bodge out on Tyres/brakes/suspension. But by the sounds of it you'll have that all covered
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