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About Chaos310

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  1. Chaos310


    Not keen on installing one of these... I'll stay with my Monsta Torque Built T04. It has runs on the board in my car and heaps of others. It's enough to push a fat street car in to the 9 second bracket too. My .02c, everyone gets dragged into hype of a new product, no matter what it is, if it looks good on paper, it must be good in practice.... um no. I'll stick to the tried, tested and proven methods and save the time, energy and probably $$$ to get results.
  2. touch nothing else and hand it back to the dealer. OR... UPGRADES!!!!!! if it's going to sh*t the tin, you may as well change it out for something better for when you pour copious amounts of money into making HP...
  3. Chaos310


    I've had a look at one in the flesh, pretty interesting bit of gear. oil drain is different to stock, pretty crudely modified wastegate port which on the one I saw when I flicked it open and shut, would catch on the lower lip and hold the gate open about 2-3mm. got that fixed up though. Not a fan of the spacer ring on the exh housing to get an extra 10mm clearance.... I think the alloy ring will fret against the cast housing.. expansion rates yada yada yada.. If I got one on mine, I'd be sitting down with it and spending some time cleaning up both the exh housing and the compressor cover. Also noted bulk movement on the shaft which I thought was excessive, but from past experience it goes away once oil gets in there. I'll be keeping an eye on where this one lands, I'd be keen to see how it comes on compared to my T04.
  4. Twin plate, NPC, lighter than stock, holds 550kw
  5. If I did mine again, I'd go Xforce 4", its cheaper than the manta system and does the job. I'd stay with the PW2 cooler setup. your stock 3582 with a wastegate mod will support you to around 580rwhp (mine was fine at that) a set of 1000cc injectors, thermostat... stock intake, with a relieved lower half airbox base and a good set of valve springs...
  6. So the time has come where we thought we'd spruce the place up a bit... and what better place to spruce first than the carport. currently its a sh*tty little single car carport, around 3m wide and 5m deep with the obligatory circa '92 build centre post which does an excellent job of trying to clean up the tips of your car doors. It has a fibre cement ceiling that's 2.2m high and a single little globe to light it all up. So I got busy on Google sketch and drew up something a little more substantial... 5.1m opening width, 2.7m opening height, 8m deep and a ceiling height of 3m. its all approved by council now and underway. I've set a budget of $18k after an initial quote of $55k to strip out and build by builder. I've got big footings in, lots of reo in them, 32mpa. majority of walls are now up, they just require finishing to height. the lintel is in over the opening and it's all starting to look pretty good. (read: pretty big) The ceiling is going to be marine ply so if I need to mount something to it, I can just screw into it. also a sectional door to close it all off to the road. Now I've never built something like this before, so in an attempt to avoid rookie building and planning errors... what do I need to install inside... thinking power, water, air line, downlights... something like the picture... anyway, I was going to add in the following: 2 x double 10A GPO's 2 x double 15A GPO's hot and cold water over a sink/bench in the back right corner LED downlights... about 12-15 of them 2 x compressed air points fed from a remote compressor. NOW... what would you add if it was yours? what do you have or wish you had in your garage to make it perfect. I only want to do this once at this place, so I'd like some input to make that happen. cheers!
  7. So, I got tuned the other week. It was quite interesting. On pump 98 at 16psi it made 384kw, which is about right from the last tune I had done, so that's a good starting point. then in went some E85, went up 40kw... more boost, more kw's... more boost more kw's... I was receiving a flurry of text messages letting me know what figures I've pushed which was great. Then I got the news I was looking for.. 496.2kw / 665.5hp HAPPY DAYS!!! stoked, a mere 3.8kw away from the 500 ( which I had not aimed for ) the graph looked great, the boost wasnt too high, the car was responding well and I was happy to call it a day, successful as it was. ... Then I got to thinking... 3.8kw... surely it can be found... so I spoke to Rob and asked if he had any magic left to drop me at the next nearest 100kw...... Tense 1/2hr wait and I get the message, minimalist at best.. just the following "505rwkw" 505kw / 1216.8Nm (677hp & 897lbft) with a little under 24Psi on United E85. Happier than a pig in mud. It's still very linear, got a fierce intake noise and pulls harder than a teenager. and with that in mind, this is where the mods will stop on this one. After racewars, it'll go back onto 98 and get a big tune done, then I'm going to leave it alone. I'm more than happy with the power it makes, I might just add some wheels to set it apart and that's it. there are some things I would do differently, given my time again... I'd buy an auto to start with, just because clutches are expensive and I dont flick through the cogs as fast as the trickery inside the FG auto boxes. I'd listen to a few more people early on ( the right ones though ) .. I'd get the process west intake elbow.. just because its nicer than the cast alloy thing I hastily bought and I'd probably try to be a bit more involved with the other bits I did not do (because all good technicians love the customer watching on) and I'd go straight to a big fuel system, instead of taking a half way step ( read newbies: avoid taking half way steps, they will cost you more in the long run 99% of the time) One thing, that I can definitely say I would not change would be where and who I took the car to for the extras and tuning. You're probably all sick of me mentioning how impressed I am with the crew at Monsta Torque, but I'm going to go again here and say that the car would not be this good, without their attention. Rob, Kate and Darren are in a league of their own I believe. As busy as they were, they were always open to chatting about the setups and where to go next or what to expect. For the size of their shop and work force they have really put some formidable cars out the door in the time I have been doing mine. They are prepared to go that little bit further to make sure you're happy and the random texts or calls out of the blue, to see how it's all going are great. My experience has been nothing but positive from the get go and for the new guys and gals out there who are thinking of modding their car and don't know where to go in perth, My advice is plastered all the way through this mods thread. Cheers.
  8. freshly monsta'd up turbo has a new home under my bonnet. I'll put the photos up after the tuning. everything looks and feels the goods, I'm quite impressed. At idle, blowing freely to atmosphere by jeebus is moves some air.
  9. my dump had the mount pull out.. left with a hole about 25mm long, 13mm wide. Tig welded it back in, then put a plate over it to give it a bigger footprint. see how it goes...
  10. GT3582R with a 66mm wheel and a .7 cover. will pull you into the 10's if everything else is up to spec. I'll let you know how they go next week or so... I've got one in build at the moment.
  11. more boost? you've got everything to do it by the sounds of it...
  12. 21.5lb boost, stock BOV, E85 432kw.
  13. If it was me, I'd do the things in Blue. plus look for someone flicking a PW surge tank, you can get them reasonably priced second hand. A single pump unit will be ok if you dont want to go crazy. The stock intake, with a muffler delete will make good power and retain a stock look. leave the stock BOV, its money you dont need to spend. Dont do the airbox or battery relo, again, money you dont need to spend. just bore a 100mm hole in the lower half front of your stock air box. also look for someone reverting their build to stock or upgrading for cheaper parts if you're watching a budget, if you know what you are looking at/for damage wise, abused etc. My f6 (manual) went 387kw with turbo gate, injectors, exh, stage 2 PW cooler, 12lb actuator and a small 400 walbro equipped surge tank (no HP from surge, just cheap insurance) BUT like the others say, it all comes down to your tuner. My .02c
  14. soooo... the turbo fell off the ute.... (with some help from spanners) it's getting Monsta'd up and I should have it back on in about a week. going for a tried and tested combo Rob has recommended so all being well, I'll eclipse the next even 100hp mark. the surge tank has been upgraded to twin walbro 460's from the DW300's a while back, so I should be good for fuel delivery where ever this next bit leads to. Bit of a bugger, the mount tab at the dump pipe section of the Manta 4" dump has obviously suffered through vibration and heat cycles has decided to let go, so I will have to weld that back on, with a bit more support this time. (I fitted the exhaust a little over a year ago now) Looking into a gauge set for the triple gauge holder I got ages ago as well. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, Rob, Darren and Kate at monsta torque make this whole car enhancing process such a positive experience. Their dedication to what they do, their customer support and their workmanship is second to none. (I also know I can be a pain in the ass as a customer and they're still willing to help)
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