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  1. Average high 12 to low 13 in town, best was 8.5 on a trip, with 280 rwkw pretty happy with that.
  2. will post pics on the car when I get a chance
  3. Just had my rotors and pads changed recently on the front of my fg turbo as the factory ones were crap. Anyway I bought some QBD performance grooved discs of ebay for $225 delivered. Than rang GSR and got some QFM hpx pads as well as 2 bottles of Penrite rbf600 for $140 delivered. Massive improvement no shuddering or fade even at high speeds. For those on a budget this is a worthwhile investment.
  4. Have a look in the classifieds one there at the moment.
  5. 400kw at the wheels or engine big difference
  6. Bought an 08 fg xr6 turbo a month ago. Just picked it up from a couple of cheap upgrades, venom cat autotecknica cooler id 550 injectors and tune made 280 rwkw on mainline dyno. Goes heaps better. Tuner said the cooler was fine very little power drop between runs. Tuned using vcm suite.
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