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  1. Just thought ide post up... after about 6-7 months of running the stock 3576 it felt tired and down on power ... I made 360rwkw with the factory turbo.... so when I came time to upgrade I purchased a genuine gtx3576 which not many hav been using in Melb but after few convo with a guy from Sydney I decided to try it out... Got my car back from Nizpro on Friday after they tuned it making a unexpected 429rwkw.... the turbo comes on identical to the factory gt3576 baby turbo. the car was ran up before the new turbo was put on for comparison and as suspected it was only making 344rwkw compared to the 360 it was tuned at (turbo has large bearing noise) My thoughts on the GTX 3576 .. great turbo .... on e85 it is a handful and a lot of the power can become un usable without the correct tyres.
  2. avo make a cooler, ejz-747 has a avo cooler on his fg, and had 450rwkw in it and its as small if not smaller (in height) than factory cooler) worth looking into
  3. you have one up there already, of mine in 11's but has been bettered, 11.67 @121mph 317rwkw calder
  4. about 300- 350 a tank on e85 norm sits around 20ltr's per 100 :s but those 300kms are a very fun 300-350
  5. ran a 11.9.....114 mph...... 1.97 60ft .........nizpro tuned 318kw e85 sedan @ heathcote
  6. lol cannonball run, for when hwy isn't iligal enough
  7. ide be furious, asking for your offer on a car with issues, the manager sounds like a dick, hope someone else doesn't get stung buying the lemon.
  8. fordxr6turbo forums on facebook is dead..
  9. my original consensus was maybe diff bush but I oiled that last week so couldn't of been that.
  10. not ask for opinions and advice from people who might know the answer.... ???
  11. The car hasnt leaked since it was noticed last, called nizpro they said drop it past theyd have a look were very helpfull tightened all the clamps hoses around the thermostat had a look arond, pressure tested the coolant system, all fine. thinks it was just a leaking connection. car runs fine. ( didn't notice any difference even when I noticed the leak) They pressure washed and de-greased the engine bay. Didn't charge me for checking it out. After re-reading this post I realize I seem pretty clueless. End result was a good one. But I believe I did the right thing. Could of been something worse. Thanks for everyones help.
  12. jvk, is that o-ring sit just above the chasis? with a rubber pipe runnin to it... either way. I'll let everyone know tomorrow night what it is.
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