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About robbay91

  • Birthday 03/08/1991

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  1. Happy Birthday robbay91!

  2. Happy Birthday robbay91!

  3. Hey guys what offsets do u recommend for the flush look on 11 inch rims for an fg ute?
  4. Mine normally sits 16 or higher but my trip down to Canberra and back I got 9.5
  5. Ok so I've drivin my car early this morning no problems, then I go to move parks 30 mins later but just before the car could start I accidentally put it in drive too early and now it's telling me my vehicle is immobilised and it's coming up with faults, I don't know what to do, Is there some button I press? It's an fg 2010 xr6 turbo 50th anniversary ute
  6. my old man will be getting to 2 litre ecoboost mustang as he doesnt want a v8 and looks like they wont bring a v6 varient to australia, I hope all models kick off so atleast then u might be able to take the 2 litre to the shop and there will be plenty of aftermarket parts to put on it for extra killer wasps
  7. buy the cheapest one gut it, drop a 4L barra in it haha if u have plenty to spend
  8. wow thanks mate those canopies look unreal!
  9. Who's gettin it on the ps4? I've got it on ps3 and the snipers a dog to use, I now have to factor in the delay on a long shot let alone bullet drop! I'll stick to throwing ammo bags and blowing up tanks
  10. Hi guys I'm looking to install a lid on my ute as the roll tops sit in deeper and I won't be able to leave a drop saw in there, my question is can you get a lid that would fit my dropy in there, it sits 550 high when compressed down or just under 550mm, if I have to get a canopy I will but would much rather a hard top
  11. that's what it was cheers guys! ill have to put a screw in it or something yeah?
  12. ill have a look tomorrow at work! anything else it might be? couldnt be something wrapped around the axel could it?
  13. hey guys I have this problem on my fg ute where I hear a ti ti ti ti ti sound is coming from my drivers side wheel area and I dont know what it is, at first I thought it was a nail, I found a nail repaired the puncture but then after driving again its back I usually only hear it after 40km/h any slower and u wont hear it, it will wind down and it goes away when braking to a stop someone please help as its doing my head in! cheers
  14. that's hectic, I wouldn't have the guts to put a belt sander on mine
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