OK have found the last run file I had on a usb drive, I'll put it here but may not work, if not pm your email address and I'll attach to an email. See below or the attachment?
XH GTX3582R 1000 cc injectors and new cam settings (2).pcl
You should be able to get your wiring info from the above link, I used to run a vipec v88 in my XH with turbo Barra unfortunately don't have any of the details anymore (gave it away to the bloke that bought the ecu) but you should be able to work out using the ViPec site pretty easy the 88 will run the ethrottle as well.
Don't know if this helps but this is the I/O schedule I used sadly I have deleted the tune but will keep searching as I might have a USB with a tune that will get you started.
^^^, Bowen, just sitting here waiting! At this stage will be a direct hit, so maybe not so bad, depends how slow it moves! Haha, hope you get some to! Stay safe all you guys in the storm zone
Try this one, I bought one in December, good so far!
I think from memory fly can stay on, should be able to see them there are cutouts at the back on the flat part if that makes sense!
Sorry Luke, you beat me to it