Gday, im new to this forum, ive loved xr6t's since my first ride in one, it was a BA MK2, ive been researching the xr6t's for quite some time now and ive been looking at getting one, but I dont know where to go, I dont really want to get the FG I just dont like the look of them, may sound crazy, but true, I was looking up about the engines in them and im tossing up between a BA, or BF, I know the BF MK2 has the t56 6 speed, and apparently that's a good gearbox and the internals of the engine are strengthend, yea I may sound like the typical hoon who just wants the most power as such, but im not here to discuss that, what is best? the best motor gearbox combo etc? if I decide to mod later and get more power from my xr6, is the bf mk2 6 speed the way to go the one that you can get most power out of with not a great deal of work sort thing, ie if the BF has strengthend internals that means the valve springs dont need replacing if youre wanting to go over 10 psi, correct me if im wrong, but with the ba you need to upgrade the springs to get more then 10psi? or what? as I said im only new and im not that mechanically minded in all that's involved, but it'd be great to get some extra knowledge I dont want people on here saying "search the forum" or "your a hoon get off" etc.. ive searched and couldnt really find an answer.. that's why ive posted, and if I wanted to be a hoon, id get a skyline.. so cheers everyone ill appreciate all the help possible.