Can you confirm where the 300 number comes from? I know wikipedia and a few websites say 300 but why would the ford lady mess up something so simple as that? the other idea I thought was they keep track of wrecked cars? so it might have started at 300 but now is down to 216?
I think someone else has suggested that they dont follow a number order (1,2,3 etc) I asked the lady about that and she didnt know but confirmed that based on her numbers it was 216 produced. she wouldnt just email me the list of cars but
Hi, I was curious to how many cars were made in manual and auto and the very nice lady at ford was more than happy to look it up for me (props to fords excellent customer service here) and she informed me that there are 216 Bf mk2 f6 typhoon R Specs made and of that 84 are manual and 132 are auto. hope that's helpful and correct Ps. I also have the above list in an excel spreadsheet format if anyone is interested (makes it easier to update the data)