I try to stay away from both of them, the timber quality is normally crap, unless I'm building something with bow's and twists in it. haha and generally the builders hardware is not any cheaper, they are good if you want to buy a broom or a bucket
Hi fierce Just a point if we do cruise on Australia Day the 26th , every pub will be packed. maybe cruise on the Sunday. Saturday could be a nightmare for parking around lunch time everyone's thoughts
welcome to the G6ET club mate, great cars plenty of power and great for cruising I'm hoping I get a new cardigan for crhistmas hopefully one that matches the paint
hi fierce cool video mate, those motorbikes were everywhere where that day actually the mountain was very busy cars and bikes everywhere just wanted to get some better footage for you but it was a bit hard anyway good job with the video and when are we going to do it again
Ouch sorry to here that mate hope its not to bad the guys at Castle hill smash repairs are good. I have had a car done there before no dramas at all ,and they have all the good equipment 50-52 7 Hoyle ave castle hill
I just put on 18 x 8.5 + 30 with 245 / 40 on the front and they sit in a bit, should have gone +20 to push it out a bit rears are 18 x 9,5 +36 with 275 / 35 rears sit just the way I want them
Keep it mate I only drive mine on the weekends, got a company ute But there is nothing better than jumping into the G6E on the weekend . I seem to enjoy it more and come Monday can't wait for the weekend again and driving the t Cheers
That's exactly what it's for, promoting the correct use of a high powered car . it's not actually going to go out on the streets as a highway patrol car It will go car shows and wsid it's all about PR