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About wombatG6ET

  • Birthday 11/09/1974

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  1. Happy Birthday wombatG6ET!

  2. Bring on Sunday Cars and Doughnuts, there's one week to go until we see all the great cars roll in to Penrith Krispy Kreme. We have been getting fantastic variety in the last couple of months with everything from, Aussie and American Classic and muscle, Euro classic and modern, as well as plenty of Japanese cars as well I love the variety of cars that we get at our meet I'm hoping it will be a bit warmer than last months freezing temperatures I will see everyone on the 9th of August for another great morning and great cars Also thank you to everyone who have made this meet so good Everyone turns up with a great attitude with a friendly nature and has a good morning, we have never had any trouble at the meet and is because of you guys that attend all know that it's your meet and you want to keep it going Thanks Craig
  3. What an absolutely awesome morning at Sunday Cars and Doughnuts It was a great turnout with easy over 350 cars of all types We had great weather not to cold for this time of year and the sun was shining Thank you for coming out this morning, you're the people that have made this event what it is https://www.facebook.com/groups/753976964648237/ Thanks Craig
  4. Looks like we are going to have a huge meet on Sunday With 830 people saying they will attend Sunday cars and Doughnuts Thank You for supporting this event, it is very much appreciated See you Sunday Craig
  5. I'll back you up on that Ralph, my XA's have been great, not one problem at all and had them for 2 years now I don't run them too low so handling is fantastic I rate them highly
  6. Hi everyone a week to go for Sunday Cars and Doughnuts June meet up Last month the event was on Mother's Day so numbers were down a bit But still managed about 80 to 100 cars down from the 300 we had the month before So hopefully we can get back to big numbers again and really enjoy our Sunday morning See you on the 14th of June https://www.facebook.com/groups/753976964648237/?ref=bookmarks Craig
  7. Having had both, RS-3's are a lot better but a bit more noise I'll buy them again
  8. Theses are 275 on 18x 9.5 wheels But I now run 275 hankook ventus RS-3 great tyre better than invo's in the dry and on par in the wet They cost me $225 each
  9. Yeah mate there were some high quality cars there, GSHOON was definitely one of them
  10. Another great morning at Sunday Cars and Doughnts with over 250 cars rolling in. Thank you for making this months meet our biggest turn out yet, and it can only keep growing
  11. One week to go until the next Sunday Cars and Doughnuts meet at Krispy Kream Penrith Going off the facebook event page it is going to be a huge meet with over 480 people saying they will attend Last month over 200 cars turned up so if the weather is good, we might beat that number Come along if you're free it should be a great morning https://www.facebook.com/groups/753976964648237/
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