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About dench

  • Birthday October 3

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    Perth W.A

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  1. Happy Birthday dench!

  2. Happy Birthday dench!

  3. Happy Birthday dench!

  4. go the fg fullstop. I had the same decision when I bought mine.. black 6speed manual and I cant regret a thing. the ba/f's arent as responsive as the fg's I think. much better full economy, push out more power with mods and are just a much nicer car take them for a test drive(and buy a manual!!!) you'll have so much fun
  5. te37 replicas, look them up. I found some better rims im going to put on though
  6. will fit for sure, is that the right stud pattern aswell?
  7. hey guys ive found some te37;s with tires for cheap I was wondering if these would fit my fg xr6t sedan before they get sold thanks Fronts - 18" x 9.5" + 30 Rears - 18" x 9.5" + 12 114.3 bolt pattern
  8. thanks alot poeple, had me worried for a bit. I thought it was something to do with the diff but wasnt sure
  9. hey guys my fg is manual and when I push my clutch in, change gear and let the clutch out it makes a clunk sound. im not sure what it could be but is it normal?
  10. Happy Birthday dench!

  11. okay thanks alot buddy, do you know if ford can put it in?
  12. im not sure, how do I find out ahaha? you'd think it should because it has the microphone and everything?
  13. mk1, I thought so too, I had a look at the manual and it says like you said phone menu, its not there though? unless I cant find it, I went through everything!
  14. hey guys, just a quick question on my fg xr6 turbo there no function where I can set up the bluetooth to my iphone. im just wondering because its got the microphone for it and the phone button on the steering wheel. can it be because I dont have the luxury pack? help asapppp! thanks:)
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