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    South East Melbourne
  1. My old BA MKII was Vixen with black stripes, the paint held up so well over 4 years, even though it was never garaged, so the new one was ordered with the same paint/stripe setup.
  2. If SMB worked out the agreement, have a look at what is included in the monthly figure. The usual breakdown will include, the lease repayment, the FBT, maintenance, insurance and registration. You need to separate the FBT and Lease part of the payment to get a true indication of what the car itself is actually costing you. The benefit of the lease is that petrol, tyres,insurance and other costs that everyone else has to pay post tax is pre tax, and GST free. You need to look at the picture over the whole span of the lease to see if it is worthwhile. The SMB web site has a simple calculator which shows the savings per year of leased vs loan.
  3. Thanks all, at least this way I know I'm not alone. That's why I love this forum.
  4. Hi All, I just picked up my third XR6, after having the AUIII VCT which was relatively problem free, the new T has some interesting features that I was hoping some of you could let me know if I should report the problem at the 3000k service, or just accept it as a feature. - Radio reception : I just went south of Mt Eliza in Vic and all my radio stations broke up. I have tint on the car, but I don't think it is metallic. All my other cars have had tint, but the reception has been OK. - I get surging when I'm in 4th or 5th doing 2000rpm - The fuel economy seems high compared to the AUIII. - I had the car in to tighten some of the suspension as the car had a knock from the get go. As a result they installed the latest flash to fix overboost, the car now seems to be running hotter than it did before, with the radiator fan going full bore a fair amount of the time. The engine temp indicator sits close to 1/2 way, is this normal ? - I have the 6-speed in this car and is a diff/gearbox clunk going from 2nd to 3rd, and 4th to 5th, even coming down hard from 4th to 2nd. - Lastly the low fuel indicator seems to come on when it reports about 60k to go, I wait until it hits 10km to go and when I fill up there is still more than 10lt in the tank. Ta, Dave.
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