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MA91CK last won the day on September 15 2015

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About MA91CK

  • Birthday 08/04/1991

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    billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix

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  1. It's the same in nsw, it's not free though. I've got my cert IV and diploma in telco engineering, then did all my quake for a master cabling license. Problem is when people did it through milcom they became out of date, which means people need to re do the training. When you do your endorsements ( optical, structured, out and pipe, aerial and coaxial ) it's basically 2 modules of cert 3. I'm guessing that's the same as what they're trying to advertise up your way
  2. Yeh mate she is Mickey Mouse. I really want to wrap the bonnet and front end in clear while its still a1.
  3. Sorry lads and ladettes, grill is in the back of the car. It looks a little ghetto now but I want the chrome top grille not the black one, will finish it off for sure. Pixy you should see it freshly painted
  4. oh my god yes! I bought a hilux, was fun 5% of the time ( in the bush ) the other 95% on the road was crap. noisy, slow, smelly, and handled so badly. every time I get in my T it puts a smile on my face, anyone that says having a fast car is a waste obviously has never owned one
  5. Got the call that my car is ready at the smash repairers for tomorrow. Insurance paid for everything when a young chick swiped the front. Ended up getting cash payout because I wanted to source parts myself, and I have gone a full mkii front end, with xr8 bonnet. The car is mystic, so the first and only mystic mkii in aus I believe. Also had show us your tints throw some 15% on while it was there. Happy days!
  6. Don't go stupidly low like I did and you'll be sweet
  7. Auto or manual? Auto tends to have problems, I skated my old one with 4" reset leaves in the rear as a manual for 6 months
  8. Yeh good thinking. Once you alive it dialed you actually get to a point where it feels weird to eat crappy more than one or two meals a week. Maybe I'm a weirdo but I look forward to chicken or steak with pasta and broccoli
  9. High protein, funnily enough good fats instead of carbs to curb hunger ( nuts) or just have like psyllium husk, that sh*t is nasty but fills you up. There's tablets ending in v a r that could also help if you're that way inclined
  10. Would be good to add along side pct I rekon
  11. Ahhhh gotya. Looks okay, let me know how it goes
  12. What the heck is that? another type of protien? I tried out another type of test 'optimiser' didnt really seem to do much. I didnt lose weight atleast. Just started the only tried and true test booster if you know what I mean. T&D, 14 weeks, then just T prop for another 4
  13. coilovers and kings/reset leaves with good shocks in rear. Search button does wonders mate
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