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  • Birthday 14/06/1984

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  1. Happy Birthday SPASTIK!

  2. Happy Birthday SPASTIK!

  3. Happy Birthday SPASTIK!

  4. Hey guys, See these remotes almost on a daily basis in my business. These and the Magna remotes must be made in the same place. They both have the same stupid little battery holder that sits up off the chip board held by only two tiny solder points. 90% of these remotes that come in for a new battery have at least one of these solders that are broken, and a battery with full charge. The folded paper/cardboard works great if only one solder is broken, its a pain if both have gone but if you can get it to sit right it will work. With mine (not broken) I have put a little piece of foam on the battery to fill the space so hopefully it stops them breaking if dropped or whatever. Cheers
  5. Hey guys, said I will report back on the probs with the T, and Jet you were on the money.... The guys that did the plugs and coils in the first place did just put in out of the box replacements. I rung them to ask what they put in and they responded with 'they are platinum/iridium plugs and can't be gapped, and am not sure what they were' So finally had a day off and dropped the car into APE, they put it on the dyno, regapped the plugs and now I have my back planted in the seat again. Thanks for the help guys
  6. Thanks for the help guys Will report back either way... Cheers
  7. ok, not sure on plug gap, got the local mechanic to supply and fit, cause I am use less.... will find out and let you know boost, can only go on what I see on the gauge, and peaks at 12psi have only had the car since dec last year, but was tuned by morpowa in 06 I think. nah, full tank and still the same prob
  8. hey guys, you all know you shiitee better then any one and was wondering if you could give me a bit of advice..... had a bit of a miss happening at about 42-4500rpm so I put new plugs and coils in.... Now at three quarter throttle it is fine, but at WOT when it gets to 4500 it is like it dies and then goes pop, pop, pop, then continues on after that. I am pretty new to the T's so any advice would be great. Cheers
  9. Was not complaining at all man, just didn't realise how few and far between cruises were is all
  10. Looks like a good turn out, spewen I couldn't make it..... How often do these things come up?
  11. So did you guys get sore legs from cruising around adelaide on your pushy's on sunday?
  12. Noooooooo!!!! Already organised a BBQ at my place that night. Gunna have to wait to debut....
  13. ice in the gf's mouth :o so gonna need new tyres soon and haven't had a car with enough power to really worry about what I put on. Im pretty keen on the invos but don't know what size I should put on, I've got 19x8.5's, any input would be great
  14. Hey guys, Thanks for the welcome Im mildly retarded when it comes to computers so hope this works oh yeah those were the father in laws plates, so now has xx plates, which suit the car better...
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