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    Burnouts, PC,Sport, motorbike riding, hoons

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  1. Hi, I want to change my Diff oil in my ba, so which one do I need to get and do I need an additives and if so what is it. My diff is an open one and the metal tag says "high Performace". Thanks
  2. Hi, I have an 02 Ba ghia on VSI LPG and I was wondering what Oil to use as its duel fuel? Also what sparkplugs do I need to check for it. Thanks
  3. OK, and anything else do I need to know when I change this?
  4. OK thanks, so with the ICC Code sorted and the airmixer part, Leaving the ICC out wont cause it to lock itself or require me to go to ford to fix it? Also when installing the Shaft what lube do I use? Vasaline?
  5. Hi, I have an ford ba ghia with dual zone climate control and when I put the temp to 30 deg, the drivers side is hot and the passegner side is cold. I read up online and most people say its the mixer rod that usaully breaks. So is this one on ebay good and do I need the little gear piece as well or just use the old one? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/111346278618?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Also I have an couple of questions with the removel of the dash and icc; First people say you cant leave the ICC disconnected from the battery too long as you have to then take the car to ford, So is there an time limit or whats the correct procedure for this. Second when reinstalling, will there be an need to input an CODE into the ICC as I dont have any codes or anything of the like. So any help would be great and much appreciated.
  6. So I have to take my BA dash out, when I do it how long can I leave the battery disconnected? So when I unplug and remove the ICC will it be OK then and when reinstalling will there be an code I have to put in??
  7. Ok thanks for the information, I will look into it:)
  8. Hi, I want to get an ford fg xr6 turbo and put it on LPG. So which system is the best and can I run about 300rwkw on it? And whats mods can I put on it and how much will it all roughly cost? Ive read that some people have used JTG-Liquid-Injection and it has worked for them at stock levels, but I want to get the power to around 300rwkw. Thanks
  9. So for a 2008 fg xr6 turbo can I turn off T/C and DSC? All I do is hold the button until the light comes on? As I dont want either of them and ABS will always stay on yea? Thanks
  10. Are there any really bad problems on a 2008 fg xr6 turbo? As I want to buy one soon. Thanks
  11. sweet ride, but what are the rims called on the first two pictures?
  12. With a BA what coil over/springs/shock could I put on it to make it handle well on the track/windy roads and be comfortable on the bumpy road? Thanks
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