Well done on getting into the 12's So I take it your faith in your Tuner is restored? Other than valve springs, what did they do to the tune, add boost, is it still running 250rwkw? ← I got the valve springs done two weeks ago and called Jim at Croydon to see if they could check it over.I had a couple of issues,idle,auto firmness etc etc.They had the car last thursday and changed a few things but because they were getting some cars ready for Drag Combat including the 200sx which they want to break their own world record Jim cldnt spend alot of time with the car.I picked the car up Saturday lunch after they checked on dyno.The tune has alot more torque and boost comes on harder and earlier.It only makes 5rwkw more but holds 250rwkw from 150kmh to around 180kmh whr the old tune made 245 at 150and dropped down to 230 by 165kmh.