They will do option would be to buy the edit and while there get a custom tune..C&V have a special at the moment in the sponsers section..Just ring around as many tuners as u can and check the forums for good and bad experiences guys have had..
If you dont have a timeslip then you dont know what time it will do,even if its been dynoed with 300atw it doesnt mean its gunna do a low 12/high 11.. No timeslip then dont bother saying wat it will do..
I just chaecked my trip meter and its currently at 16.2lt/ average speed is 36kmh..that's with around 1/2 a tank left and I reset the trip meter each time I fill up.. Its the avereage speed which hurts the economy..
that seems about the same as what I sitting on 16.1 at the moment.Its the stop/starting that chews alot of petrol.A mate I work with has a XR6T aswell and he averages around 13lt/100kmh but does most of his driving on motorway and open roads..When I went to Nowra for a wedding I averaged just under 10lt/100kmh..
there r a couple of tuners that sponser this website in sydney..I had my valve springs done by Mark at MRC at Castle Hill and my custom tuning done by Croydon Racing at Silverwater and am happy with both..
ive also got the crappy stock brakes and was wondering if replacing the stockies with dba's and a diff pad does it stop the brake shudder..Slowing down from 180kmh at WSID almost knocked some of my teeth out..
Ive tried the extreme 100 and the car goes well with it,I just cant justify it being so expensive.Ive also used boost98 about 3x and one tank pinged so who knows..
The reports ive heard on the radio are saying it will be cleaner than the water currently being used so whats the big fuss. the government should have just introduced it as a new water made a different way(not mentioning what it is) and people would drink it and say "this stuff taste better"..