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  1. ok sweet as thanks heaps champ, have you heard much good things about rdp tuning in redcliffe qld?
  2. yeh I did a few days ago very helpful, in regards to the wheels I have 18 factories atm, is it neccesary to retune if I went to 20's? cheers
  3. ok sweet so if I did the injectors and changed the cooler piping everything else should be pretty safe leaving as is with the listed mods
  4. hey guys new here, just picked up a 2011 mk11 turbs in kenitic blue, sexiest thing ive ever driven soooo stoked, I'm planning on doing a few simple mods as I'm not chasing huge kw's, thinking a 3.5 catback system, 100 cpi catalytic converter, 4" dump pipe, cai and a tune, If I was to dø these mods should I have the car tuned straight away, I also want some nice 20's but wanna mod the engine first, will I have to re-tune the car after I get the bigger wheels, apart from the mods listed It should keep me happy for a while, would you also think I should dø my injectors just to be safe? thanks this thread has been a great help already
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