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  1. Hi there did that early on I removed the fan but only 2 terminals into this + - could not find one to test against but consensus was 2 terminals would not have a control in it for speed I may have to bite the bullet and go with a second hand HIM about $140 so not too bad but a "fun" job to fit looks like taking all the dash out
  2. Hi there nothing is too obvious I was looking for a relay that controls this but I thought they had gone to solid state control in the HIM unit which relay is it there are 3 fan relays in the engine fuse box but I thought these were for the engine cooling fans the other relay is the WAC relay (how the hell do you get the little black relays out white catch at base is there some type of locking or just force it a bit more)
  3. Need some help here......I have a 03 XR6T whats happening is when there is no key in the ignition or power on what so ever the interior fan comes on and wont turn off. The fan is at high speed . Started with fan sticking on lower speeds then finally only high. Originally could disconect from batery and fan would be ok after overnight with no batery but finally stays on all the time thought there was a hot plastic smell at the time. The only way I can make it stop is by removing the fuse at this stage as what been happening is causing flat batteries........so any advice would be of great help ford have suggested that it is a short some where as a problem with HIM unit does not do this when key is off a/c vents all work ok I wondered if it is a problem with 3 heat sinked transisters on HIM unit I saw a sujestion about water in a conection on passenger side below air in take oppend this cleaned no help I have had this problem for 2 years as $1000 or so for HIM and installing and I was just using to go to work and back Any suggestions thanks Nev
  4. hi there I have the same problem did you get to the bottom of this
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