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13 Good
  1. you can spot those who don't train legs, its summer and they wear trackies to the gym no matter how hot it is... or just look at their legs lol I was doing legs on Mondays or Tuesday as everyone does upper body at the gym Monday, but since starting soccer training on Tuesdays games on sunday I will change leg day to Thursday
  2. I didn't end up training legs, slight groin strain at soccer training.. and now I remembered why I gave it up in 2010 you doing any weight training at all or just all cardio
  3. awesome mate, today is the killer... leg day
  4. how did you go this week Bizkets? started the challenge 85.9 down to 82.9 so far.. haven't had massive drops but been steady as,... this weekend is going to be a struggle f1 bucks weekend
  5. haven't looked into the blog yet, is it just a written submission or a video picture blog?
  6. smashed out the legs last night for the max, almost vomited doing those 4 * 20 calf raises last jumped on the scales this morning was 84.7, so finally hit my first goal of being under 85, next one will be 80 and see how it goes might even hit the 70's by the end of the challenge
  7. so start the max challenge today, had my monster cheat day yesterday with uncle surprise 60th birthday and dinner catch up with the league coach (I was his assistant till my son decided to quit league this year) topped of the night with some nutella desert pizza initial weigh in 85.9, my first goal when I started in November was 85, almost there.. my next goal is 80 which I hope to hit soon so far those oats with water and a touch of yoghurt to give it some taste max super shred lunch is going to be tuna salad, with a handful of almonds, another shake, dinner some lean steak/or chicken breast which ever the wife cooks then at 10:30-11 hit the gym
  8. will do stripes, I bought the chocolate and the caramel to start with so I will mix them up also updated the myfitnesspal app and that calculates steps for you as well now
  9. with the max challenge I am just going to use the supershred of the max supplements, and go for the intermediate
  10. spotted woz310 last night at Harry's Liverpool
  11. my mate that cycles uses the strava, he loves it the fit basturd cycled 132km yesterday I haven't been able to link the myfitnesspal and the fitbit (haven't tried) just use both apps separately but been hitting my 10k step goal every day for the last week, might need to up the goal to 12k steps a day to lift the goals
  12. great stuff ms! big effort so far myfitness pal is a great app, bit of an eye opener on some snacks that's for sure
  13. Great stuff bizkets, I think you need to show the receipts if you wish to compete to win prizes, also need to blog progress etc, but you can sign up enter the pre and post photos just for your progress and they send you out the diet plan/exercise etc
  14. http://www.maxchallenge.com.au/2015feb/maxs/ anyone tried the max challenge, mate swears by it and it starts soon, free to register, the send you out a workout plan and diet plan (you don't need to buy there supplements) I am going to give it a shot this year thanks Stripes, was definitely hard but I knew if I let it go over chrissy/new years I would struggle to get back to the clean eating habits and that's a great goal to aim for 0.5-1kg a week is nice and steady healthy drop
  15. the fitbit works wonders, grabbed one for my wife and my self, set the challengers between us so the competition is a motivator, but as others have mentioned I think it is a bit generous on the step counter my initial aim is to get fitter, signed up to play outdoor soccer this year again, last time I played was over 5 years ago I was sitting at about 95kg last time I played and struggled with constant injuries, at my peak when playing was between 80-85kgs started the health kick in November last year weighing in at 100kgs, today down to 87, but best thing I have done I have so much more energy, feel better as a whole in general
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