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About LukeF6E

  • Birthday 25/09/1975

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  • Location
    Just north of Brisbane

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  1. Happy Birthday LukeF6E!

  2. Happy Birthday LukeF6E!

  3. Happy Birthday LukeF6E!

  4. Happy Birthday LukeF6E!

  5. Thanks - I love it (I might have already said that). I had only had it 2 weeks and some low-life keyed one of the doors in the carpark at work. To say I was homicidal would be an understatement.... It does have the Brembos all round - 6 piston up front and 4 in the rear so it stops in a hurry. I nearly hurt myself a couple of times when I first drove it. Thanks for your replies regarding my suspension query too. I will give Pat a call next week and get some more info. From what I can gather, based on my car being the same ride height as the XR6, I would need KFFL40 in the front and KFRL68 in the rear to keep it standard and SSL front and SL rear to drop it around 30mm (and retain the factory forward raked sill height).
  6. Hi. This is my first post on this site so go easy on me. I bought a second-hand F6E in January with only 15000km on the dial and I love it. Except for the suspension. I have read fairly exhaustively on this forum and can't seem to find an answer to my query. I want to put some suspension in that handles better than the stock gear but don't want to lower the ride height at all. My local spares guy contacted King Springs HQ who said that they don't make any for the FPV yet!!! I would really like to hear from someone with some real life experience with this fix and would appreciate your comments. I have plans to do some upgrades a little bit down the track but thought it best to wear a bit of the warranty out first. Thanks for your help. This is the only photo I have so far...
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