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Everything posted by .Stripes.

  1. Yeah all better thanks mate - did my 3 gym sessions this week... leg day is still a carnt and I'm not lifting half the weight you are ๐Ÿคจ squatted 70kg 3x10 and my legs said ouch.
  2. That's a lot of caffeine in one hit ๐Ÿคจ
  3. Nah, definitely muscular - think my home office chair is the cause, was sat in it a lot over the weekend and it locked up when I stood up Sunday evening. Seems to be finally starting to feel ever so slightly better...so the heat pack and rest appear to be helping.
  4. Are you going to do the twin turbo setup you never ended up doing on the Clubby? ๐Ÿ˜
  5. My back/shoulder hurts...although I don't think that's how it's supposed to feel if it's working... looks like wheat bag for a few days for me...๐Ÿ˜”
  6. Lol, reminds me of the time I ended up in a happy ending type establishment without realising, when all I actually wanted was a massage...had to explain at least 3 times that I didn't want a happy ending. Most stressful massage of my life haha.
  7. Go full Elvis - PB, bacon and banana.
  8. Deep tissue seems to have helped a little, which is good - some parts of it were definitely on the painful side! To be fair, though, unless a massage hurts and leaves me feeling battered then what's the point?
  9. Not quite the same as rib issue pain, it goes from my shoulder all the way down my back- fun fun...
  10. Morning all. Managed to do something to my shoulder/back...it hurts when I sneeze or breathe in deeply...so I booked an hours deep tissue massage to start 45mins from now...better be good...
  11. We drank red cans on uni field trips, coz it was cheap and tasted alright for the price. Good times.
  12. Sorry to hear, Marco. Hope you find yourself a nice new work home soon!
  13. I'd rather drink red cans (Emu Export) than VB...
  14. Pfft, who stores porn locally anymore? Stream that chit, bro!
  15. Got sh*tted off with my pc as my server and bought a NAS (synology ds918+) and currently have 30TB worth of drives in it (hopefully put another 10TB drive in soon), so now I have 20TB of storage and at least have some redundancy (10TB). Tried getting my head around Dockers for Sonarr etc, had no luck yet... given up for now. Edit: in before Keith asks for pics...
  16. That's good...moving can actually be the worst. I paid someone to do it fo rme last time - best $500 I ever spent! In other news, leg day is a carnt...nearly fall over every time I go to stand up from my desk...
  17. How'd the move go? Into your own place...or?...
  18. Day 3 - done. Hit my 3 day attendance target, so I'm happy with that.
  19. This one: https://www.ple.com.au/Products/618590/Startech-4-Port-PCIe-SATA-III-Controller-Card Was easy enough to setup and get up and running.
  20. Since I'm running Stablebit Drivepool on my server PC it's been trying to unload the drive it picked up as starting to fail, but my other drives were full... so I effectively had no storage left on my server... lame. Ended up buying a couple of WD Red 10TB drives and a Pcie sata controller and jamming them in this evening. Not really how I'd planned on spending $1,000 at this point in time...but at least I can claim it on tax for uni and work, so there's that.
  21. Day two at the gym - tick!
  22. So Stablebit scanner is telling me that one of my 4TB HDD's is starting to fail...so Drivepool automatically started to move files off that drive to others... but since it was a 4TB drive in a 9TB pool, that's not ideal. So I had to start deleting some media...not tragic, but not ideal. Been looking at prices tonight and can get an 8TB WD red for $319, or 10TB for $437 from Ebay...but is Ebay dodgy for buying HDD's? Definitely not something I'd financially thought I'd need to do this soon [emoji51]
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