Yeah not too bad. Work got pretty hectic towards the end of last year, so I was pretty wrecked when I wasn't working. Been on holidays since just before Chrissy though, go back on the 20th. Been riding to and from work everyday I was in Perth since buying the bike, and done a couple of 75km weekend rides to get some I just need to lose the weight to go with the increased fitness!
Also bought myself a guitar and some studio monitors, as I started to really miss playing. Been good getting back into that. Realised there's a bunch of my old songs I wouldn't mind writing new lyrics and melodies for. Also realised how stupid it was selling all my music gear previously, as it's going to cost me a bunch more money to get back to the level of gear I was at for recording music. Ah well, life lessons.
Spent NYE in Brissy airport on my way over to Vanuatu. Average way to spend new years, but holiday was nice at least.
How's things over your way? Good Chrissy and New Years? Still with the missus?