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Everything posted by .Stripes.

  1. Yeah, coz foresight is decidedly more important than hindsight...and was what was missing from both your arguments.
  2. Work is surprisingly flat out still, which is obviously a problem I'm lucky to have at the moment. Otherwise just trying to keep up the exercise (cycling) and been playing some guitar and working on some new music. How's things on your end Keif?
  3. WMMFG was reading some of the comments in this thread where BCB and Keith talked about things that "weren't feasible", like closing our borders... hindsight's a bit of a carnt hey fellas 😝
  4. May I recommend a combo of Jacket and Sonarr/Radarr...from what I've seen it's decidedly neater, and automated.
  5. Ha, nah...Staino hadn't posted a random p3n1s post it in a while, so figured why not.
  6. Haha, nah - a rather nice one down the beach. But that was a resort that never quite got finished and just got abandoned. Looked pretty cool!
  7. Good to see Keith's script still "doesn't change anything"... That's awesome man! Congrats on the payrise and 9 week holiday coming up! That'll be rad!
  8. Still own a home, so that's nice at least. Don't know that I've done a whole lot since my last post in the Home Renos thread really. Put in a new letterbox, other than that not much really. How's things with you man? Did it twice in one week too! That was on the first week of holidays. Coz I booked all my flights on points (business) and my flight got into Brissy at 11:30pm NYE and my flight to Vanuatu wasn't until 8am the following morning. Photos of holiday here: https://imgur.com/a/lUSCbxc Good to hear about the missus man! Doing better than I did haha.
  9. Yeah not too bad. Work got pretty hectic towards the end of last year, so I was pretty wrecked when I wasn't working. Been on holidays since just before Chrissy though, go back on the 20th. Been riding to and from work everyday I was in Perth since buying the bike, and done a couple of 75km weekend rides to get some breakfast...now I just need to lose the weight to go with the increased fitness! Also bought myself a guitar and some studio monitors, as I started to really miss playing. Been good getting back into that. Realised there's a bunch of my old songs I wouldn't mind writing new lyrics and melodies for. Also realised how stupid it was selling all my music gear previously, as it's going to cost me a bunch more money to get back to the level of gear I was at for recording music. Ah well, life lessons. Spent NYE in Brissy airport on my way over to Vanuatu. Average way to spend new years, but holiday was nice at least. How's things over your way? Good Chrissy and New Years? Still with the missus?
  10. Good morning from Brisbane CBD. Starting the day with a coffee and breakfast burrito before 3 days of workshops - should be good!
  11. Got to fly to Radelaide this morning for a work trip till Friday. Had a positive meeting this arvo and a decent parmy for dinner. Trip seems to be going well so far, except for spilling omelette on my shorts on the flight over... that was a less than stellar start 🤣
  12. Will definitely not be wearing lycra. I've got some padded shorts from mountain biking that I'm wearing (my seat don't have much padding...) under my regular shorts and t-shirt. Oh man, once you start looking at carbon frames and rims and aero bikes etc it can get bullchit expensive! I wanted something nice to ride so I'll enjoy riding, but didn't need carbon or any of that stuff. Wanted disc brakes so it still stops well in the rain and wanted it somewhat lite and easy to ride quickly. I wanna be able to get the commute to work down to under 30mins - that's the goal! Takes a little longer on the way home as it's a little more hilly. Took 47:40. Hour and a half exercise not bad for the day!
  13. Bought myself a bicycle last week (2020 Giant Contend SL1 Disc). Road to work for the first time this morning. Took me 40mins, so not really that much longer than it can take to drive if traffic is bad. Nice ride around the river for a decent section - nice way to start the day, definitely better than sitting in traffic.
  14. Morning all. Happy Saturday! Work has been flat out lately, and not looking like calming down anytime soon. Long weekend here in WA this weekend though, so I'm pretty stoked about that!
  15. Hey double-R, you have a great opportunity now to post Keith all sorts of weird things...
  16. Honestly, I'm just jealous - I wish I could fit into my chinos, nice shirts and sports jacket atm...
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