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Everything posted by .Stripes.

  1. Not really much to miss these days Pix! Morning all.
  2. I am, yes...but I also have limited time when I'm on site. There's literally not enough hours in the day to do both and I enjoy playing squash a whole lot more, plus it burns more calories.
  3. Not as regularly, but been playing squash in its place.
  4. We've started a thing this week at work where we something simple like pushups and dips, or planks, etc every couple of hours during the day (so we do it 7 times). It's just body weight stuff, but gonna see how we go keeping that up every day. Combine that with eating healthy up here and playing an hour of squash each night should see some benefit. It's good though, coz there's 3 of us in our office and we're all committed to sticking to it, so that helps.
  5. How's this for drunk me torpedoing myself ?! Also, turns out Snapchat notifies when you screenshot your own chat lol. So safe to say that's done with. That's probably enough whiskey for one night...
  6. A boozy lunch with my old man seems to have turned into an impromptu whiskey and tunes chill sesh...with homemade pizza
  7. I actually rather like what I've read/watched about the i30N...curious to see what they do when they bring out the dual clutch model.
  8. Cheers fellas. Nah wouldn't have worked on the other wall, Rab. Would have just ended up with a sweet reflection of the bin in the kitchen haha. Plus, this way it runs lengthwise with the room and makes it feel bigger, and from every angle you get the reflection of the garden and screening out the back, which is nice.
  9. Replacement mirror got delivered today. End result: Now just need to figure out some pendant lighting I reckon.
  10. Lush outdoor setup @bloodycrashboy
  11. Hmm, I still need to buy a BBQ...
  12. Holy fark that's a lot of food for one sitting
  13. Morning all. Day-2 of work...is it fly-out day yet?
  14. No deal lol Was so flat out all last week I didn't actually make it to the gym. Played squash once though and got squash on tonight and tomorrow night. 40 degree temps up here today and tomorrow too, so gonna be rather warm on the court, so some decent cardio at least. Hopefully this weekend should be a whole lot quieter, so can hit up the gym a few times.
  15. Having eczema kinda makes it necessary when my skin gets so red and itchy that I literally want to rip it off. Been pretty good for the last few months since changing a few things though. Weird...
  16. Currently have to wait until Saturday for Freedom to come and replace my mirror, as when I opened the box to fit the one I bought the frame had a massive split
  17. We go through this every time, Keify It'd been a while though, so was nice to break the dry spell and christen the new bed.
  18. Haha nah, was actually a real life female.
  19. I definitely don't enjoy owning a black car in summer!
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