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Everything posted by .Stripes.

  1. I honestly believe we can. And I think if we can actually prioritise the relationship for a while, learn how to communicate more effectively and to compromise so we both get what we want/need then everything else will get a lot easier. And we haven't been this "active" in as long as I can remember...and she's the one pushing for it. So I think that's of itself one of the most positive signs of all.
  2. I agree, for the most part. But I guess that's the hard thing in this situation, as circumstances kinda made things really hard early on that neither of us really foresaw. When we got together I was working FIFO and things were actually super simple and there was heaps of excitement and things just worked. But then pretty much as soon as I changed jobs and started working in the city the GF had a friend visiting from overseas and staying with her for 3 months that had been organised before we even got together. Then Christmas, a couple of pre-organised OS trips and a bunch of wedding etc, we never really were able to settle into a routine since. So essentially the entire dynamic of our relationship shifted, but we didn't have the time to figure it out, so the relationship essentially ended up on the back burner and there ended up being a lot of resentment and stuff we didn't really get a chance to figure out. The fact that things got quite bad did open the way for some raw and honest discussion that otherwise wouldn't have happened, but needed to. And since then things, although undecided, have actually been better than they have in months.
  3. Yeah, that was what I essentially said. In every relationship the honeymoon phase is going to drop off and you either choose to put in the effort to build the relationship on the right foundation, which as you say, will make things easier later on, or you don't and you move on to chase that excitement of a new relationship again. Cheers man, appreciate the support.
  4. Yeah, and I've essentially said as much. I very much feel we probably need to get a bit of help from a psychologist to figure it out and learn how to understand, support and love each other better, in a way that's meaningful for each other. We don't know what we don't know, so it's not like it's going to come naturally to either of us, since we're quite different in certain aspects. She's never seen a psych before though, so the prospect is pretty scary for her and she still holds to this mindset of "things shouldn't be this hard, surely"...but I've tried to emphasise that ANYTHING in life needs work and effort if you want to get the best out of it, and a relationship even more so I feel.
  5. Agreed. We haven't really been in a great place for the last few months. If we're going to make things work long term it's going to require putting in some effort to work on our communication and ability to compromise and work together (vastly different love languages etc). I think it/us/she's worth it, but only she can decide if she feels the same. But we did have a really great weekend, so see how things progress from here I guess.
  6. Morning all. Was 40 degrees all weekend in Perth so GF spent pretty much the entire weekend being cuddly + "cuddly" in the aircon...was the first time things have been like that for a while, so was actually really nice. Showing her how to download the LIFX app so she could control the smart bulbs was a bit of a bad decision though...
  7. Have done, yeah. Fibaro would definitely be my preference over Vera, mainly due to the GUI...but it's like a grand. The Homey gets better reviews than both the others and is half the price of the Fibaro HC2, but essentially has all the same features and then some.
  8. Got a Coles/Myer voucher for Chrissy and was wondering what to use it for...so decided to go to Officeworks and get some Lifx smart bulbs. Got 4 of the mini colour ones for the lamps in my bedroom, entrance and living room. Also got a TP-Link smart switch to turn my display cabinet on and off. Like the functionality...but will be better once I can justify buying a proper smart home Hub (looking at the Athom Homey) and make life easier.
  9. Sooo the new GT500 sounds pretty righteous! Shame it won't be coming to Aus, though...
  10. I seem to remember I wasn't overly stoked with any of my runs in the turbo. GT ripped mean skids though, I'll give it that! ^This! That FPV drive day destroyed my control blade and diff bushes...
  11. Here's some I took from a drive day we actually organised through a forum back when I still owned a turbo. And this was from the FPV drive day I got to do when I bought my GT...
  12. I'd almost forgotten what your regular walls of words were like Peter...
  13. Fair enough then. That's sucky about the reactions, though.
  14. Curiously enough though, I didn't really notice much difference dropping from 100/40 to 50/20. Still seems fast enough to stream 4K and downloads still go plenty quick enough.
  15. ^My last one was $34. Down from like $350 for same time previous year. Solar panels are rad.
  16. Solved the extra clunking issue by selling the car. #amidoinitrite?
  17. ^I wish. Not about the electric car. I don't think Electric cars are the future though. Hydrogen Fuel cells would be where I'd hedge my bets. I have solar panels on my house, but until my car can drop me at work and take itself home to charge during the day while my panels are making power, then come pick me up from work again in the evening I don't think it's too practical.
  18. I got rid of the wine in my FG by having the diff rebuilt with a Harrop TrueTrac. Did add some extra clunking noises though, so there's that.
  19. This forum needs moar rogercordia...
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