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Everything posted by demon1300

  1. God damn it, we've got a wedding on that weekend!!! Hating life... [emoji30] [emoji20]
  2. Hey mate, Na I left it in the end. I've had zero police issues also, which is surprising. Time and a place I guess [emoji6] I'd definitely go turbo side, the spool noise is pretty sweet. You can always put the bov back on if you don't like it. The above vid was with turbo side and no deadener. Should have some gold FR20's on it by the end of the week, which will be interesting looks wise. Gonna pick them up Friday! [emoji41] Gonna look sh*t with the current height, can't do much until I get some coil overs.
  3. Guys, Gonna buy a set of FR20's this week and what to get people's thoughts on which colour to go. I thought gold would look mint because of the contrast, the wifey thinks that the silver would look better. Can I have a vote here!
  4. I was at tunnel vision's "king of the streets" meet yesterday at heathcote and there was a dark blue fg xr6 from CMS that was running into the mid 9's at 151, 152 etc. I'm sure someone here will post up the official times when they come through.
  5. Wavetrac! /thread With a true lifetime warranty and true torque biasing design, its won't just turn the wheel that lifts up like a trutrac. Far more predictable.
  6. I'm also keen in hearing some more info. There is bugger all people running EFR's fulls stop and I'm keen to hear peoples opinions with real world experience. Thinking of going 9180 myself.
  7. demon1300

    Fgx Brembos

    Def an upgrade on the stock brakes and worth it. Were they they 4 or 6 pots?
  8. It's still too long. Depends on what your goals are but your glycogen stores are low by then and the body starts becoming catabolic.
  9. 2 hours is waaaay to long a session. You'll be going backwards in no time. 45 mins tops [emoji6]
  10. I only ask as the NPC recommended clutch is a copper mix organic sprung center twin plate. Good for 550rwkw too. Anyone got one of those exact units?
  11. ATECH3FR250A. Got it for $380 cash and its literally brand new! I seriously don't think its ever come out of the case. Even the case is immac [emoji41]
  12. So on the weekend I scored a mint 1/2" drive snap-on digital for a crazy price. Does 16nm up to around 340 with the flexible head. Very happy with my purchase and have already done the exhaust mani bolts up to 53nm. To say they were lose use an understatement!!
  13. That is a pretty good price. camo, I'd be interested in what tech specs your guy liked better with the NPC. Would you mind asking him again? Surely someone on here has an xtreme organic twin plate and can weigh in. I'm almost in the same boat power wise as you so would be keen to know what you end up with and what your thoughts are on it.
  14. Not sure but I'd also be interested in the feedback. The NPC twin is mighty pricey!
  15. You need to undo the fitting from the block, in your first photo. It's the one you can see connected to the line that runs upwards vertically. The filter is located inside this male to male adapter. All the rest of the stuff hanging off (oil pressure gauge sender, oil pressure switch all come off the fitting from the block which you need to take out. Just be careful getting it out though, that you don't over twist the banjo fitting and split the factory hard line...
  16. Maybe one of these then Wilko? http://www.warrenandbrown.com.au/precisiontools/product-details/screen-torque-wrenches-/311 As for Snap-On, I can't justify the price of one... Paying 600-1k for a torque wrench that will only get used every so often doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Hence why I thought the Teng I posted above would be a good compromise. I hear they have a bloody good name and are up there with the best. I only suggested digital as I've heard they're far less likely to require lots of calibration, like any of the spring styled wrenches. What's a calibration worth anyway?
  17. Guys, I'm in the market for a torque wrench and wanted to know if anyone had any recommendations? This will be just for general duties, so nothing MEGA expensive... Only requirement is that its 1/2" drive, ratcheting and preferably digital. Obviously I realise that the deflecting beam Warren and Brown's are the best, but I'd like a ratcheting wrench so that I can use it in tight places. I'd buy one no questions if I was building engines all day long on stands. I've looked at CDI, Snap-On, Sidchrome, Teng, Norbar, Kinchrome etc and can're really make my mind up. Obviously the Snap-On, CDI and Teng are all pretty expensive. I'm in two minds as to whether or not to just buy a decent one now and never have to worry about it again? This is one I've had my eye on for a little bit as its got a good wide torque range from 20-200NM: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/TENG-TOOLS-DIGITAL-BI-DIRECTIONAL-TORQUE-WRENCH-1-2-Dr-20-200-Nm-CERT-of-CALI-/291476283978?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item43dd57224a Thoughts or other recommendations?
  18. Nice work Gaz! Great to finally see the second half. Can't wait for the next cruise, hopefully I'll get the green light to go in November (being the weekend before the wedding) [emoji41]
  19. I've inquired with NPC about a twin plate as I'm going to be in need of one soon... Starting to slip in 6th when really loading it up. Has anyone here got or driven a car with their sprung center twin plate?
  20. Yeah the F6 has Mahle cast pistons.
  21. Chaos310, depends if he's got access to E85 though, to get the above power figures. If your wanting 400 or just over on pump, you'll be pushing the GT a bit hard...
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