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Everything posted by demon1300

  1. Am keen rab, just need to check availability.
  2. Guys, Had to pull of my turbo due to the turbo to core having dropped a bolt. Had a good look over the turbo and found the dreaded wastegate port crack... The car had no boost building/control issues but want to get your opinions on whether or not you would re-use it?
  3. Thanks Jet for your input. any chance you could confirm the torque specs in the post mentioned above?
  4. OK so rang Nizpro today to ask them a few q's. 1. The Ford ones are apparently pretty good, but replacing them if you can is a good idea. Turns out that Nizpro had already put some inconel locking nuts on my turbo, so I can re-use those. If you've got the stockers its a good idea to get something of the locking variety. 2. I think as per point 1 would be a fair conclusion. If they're hammered, change them 3. Nizpro def recommend a gasket between the turbo and manifold. The metal to metal fit doesn't last over time and will leak with expansion and contraction. 4. Still TBD 5. Still TBD although I borrowed a really long 10mm ring spanner from a mate. It would be twice the length of a stock spanner, should work OK.
  5. Guys, Just pulled my turbo and manifold off over the last 2 days after my exhaust housing to core dropped a bolt... [emoji19] There appears to be a lot of conflicting info on here around torque specs and whether or not to use gaskets between the turbo and manifold. My questions 1. Should I replace the studs and nuts on the manifold to turbo? 2. Should I replace the dump pipe studs? 3. Can we finally conclude whether or not a gasket is better between the turbo and manifold? Nizpro appear to have put one on mine when it was off for the wastegate mod. Ford from factory don't have one though... 4. Can someone in the know confirm the torque specs in this post: http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/90458-Need-Torque-Specs-For-Fg#entry1543687 The specs for manifold to head seem quite high considering the BA/BF specs 5. How the blooddy hell are you supposed to properly torque the 2 lower manifold bolts near the collector? They were an absolute pain to get out with a 10mm ring spanner, let alone putting them in a and torquing to the correct spec. Thanks guys!
  6. Yeah goin good Wilko. Got a tail tidy, termignoni carbon pipes, ECU and filter on it already. Picking the wife up a bike this weekend also! Yeah Matty. I normally just waiting till its on special and buy up. works out to be around 90ish for 5L.
  7. Yeah I know! I'd done some homework and they seemed to get pretty good reviews, just pricey. I actually like the riding position of the monster, more upright and a cruiser. I want something to take up through the hills and just poke along at a normal pace, not race everywhere and do my ticket. And then there's the fact that once you take the throttle restrictor off (which only allows 40% throttle) they apparently go very well...
  8. Yep she's all good [emoji3] she's going to get her license also so she can ride with me. Yeah it's LAMS, its the monster 659.
  9. How so? I was looking at one anyway so that I can have something decent for the 3 years of p's. Then will prob un-restrict and keep after I'm on full license. Had bikes before, just not the road going kind [emoji6] I'll be taking it easy though.
  10. Just need a set of termis, tail tidy and some grip mirrors and it'll be just right. I'm only on l's at the moment with p's to come in Jan. Then 3 years of riding before full license [emoji30]
  11. This is pics of the actual bike. The dealer sent these to the wifey. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  12. Well I didn't buy it but my amazing wife (as of yesterday) just brought me a brand new ducati monster for my wedding present. Best day of my life yet!! Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  13. Jumped into the world of smart wearables and got this huawei watch to complement my new Nexus 6p [emoji1] Wow was I impressed with the packaging!
  14. That I wake up at 12:30 because all our cars got egged in the driveway. We live I a court too... f*cken egg damaged the rear bumpers paint where it hit. Not impressed. I'll ficken kill them if I find them! Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  15. A cousin of my missus. That and it'll be a week after our own wedding
  16. lol, if your talking about the inline oil supply filter then I'm sure a search on here will yield a million threads on this topic.
  17. Yeah we got one a few weeks back. V6 absolute or something... Wow were we shocked what it got out of the carpets!
  18. I distinctly remember mine saying 3.73
  19. Yeah I'm with stripes. I've got the playbar, sub and 2x play 1's for rears in the lounge and couldn't be happier. Even added a play 3 to the bedroom for some tunes. I think they removed the need for a boost or bridge though in one of the latest firmwares. Something to keep in mind to save a bit of coin. Only thing I dislike on the playbar is the lack of DTS support, although with my media center I just transcode it to DD5.1 The price is a stickler, bit its pretty impressive sounding gear for what it is. The sub absolutely makes it though. I was shocked how well it goes for the size. That and there's zero cabinet rattle with them cancelling each other out. U can even rest a glass of water on it!
  20. Dunno why you'd go high mount these days unless you were going ridiculously large, like 45 upwards. You get all the problems of having a $hit load of heat and similar power to that of what a low mount can produce, often less. Have you thought about the Borg Warner EFR series?
  21. What about the Chicago Air stuff from Sydney tools? They're direct drive, quiet, and teflon sleeved so no oiling [emoji6] and will do plenty of lt/min (274) for home use in the 50lt tank size. Might be worth a look.
  22. Thanks boys. Just washed, waxed and tried some of that new autoglym wheel protectant to see if it keeps the brake dust off. Looks much nicer now [emoji41] Glad I didn't listen to the missus and get silvers...
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