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Mr Turbo

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About Mr Turbo

  • Birthday 22/09/1980

Contact Methods

  • MSN

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Berwick Victoria
  • Interests
    I love Aviation and hold my current pilots licence.<br />My love for Ford cars <br />HATE holdens
  • Member Title
    Next stage, to the Pub in 10 seconds
  1. Happy Birthday Mr Turbo!

  2. Happy Birthday Mr Turbo!

  3. Happy Birthday Mr Turbo!

  4. Happy Birthday Mr Turbo!

  5. Sherrifs will be there aswell along with EPA and Vic Roads. Rob...
  6. Dont ask me why they picked the location however a huge police blitz in Lilydale will occur this Friday from 4:00pm. Olex has been asked to supply power and bathroom facilities for up to 100 officers for the whole night. Cant give you a spot on location because this is all I know from a txt message. Thought id pass on the word to those who live up that way. Rob...
  7. Only if I hah Photoshop lolz ... ive been doing the rest in Paint which isnt that advanced as we know. Agree I also do like them and wonder how they look? Rob...
  8. Here is some more pics of the option TWO some people are going with, thanks for your opinions they are very welcome! Rob... And some more I dont mind ...
  9. Your right Daz the Foose are pretty good, they suit alot of the old school/muscle cars. Ive got some more pics of the same mag.
  10. Looking to replace the standard 18inch wheels with something that will finish it off nicely. 22's are the way to go but its going to be hard to find something that might suit it. Ive done some quick crops and have came up with a couple of options. Tell us what you think? Rob...
  11. Well done mate! Ive been watching your progress for a while now and keeps on getting better each time! Congrats again buddy. Rob...
  12. Where is the meetup? I might come down but I'll wont be in the Turbo, could bring the new beast? Rob...
  13. that's insane man, congrats and hope u have many good times together down the track and on the road! Rob...
  14. On top of my head I know Rajab Performance is over that way. Rob...
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