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  1. yes, the boost controller is setup to 40kpa which is around 6psi but it goes to 16psi! even with it set to zero it still creeps up. the wastegate is physically to small to pass enough exhuast gas through to keep the boost down, this is why the larger flap is required and a little milling to open up the hole. Dale
  2. Looks Good Dave! how does she drive now??
  3. the uni chip couldnt pull enough fuel out?? I have seen this before with uni chips on other cars, when you start making big power you are going to need bigger squirters than the 363's, you might have to look at a managment upgrade Dale
  4. Thanks Dale I did that and I got some Rochester 750cc injectors which is getting fitted as I type...Thanks to all for sound advice.. Except Scotty's garden hose trick, my misses attacked me for chopping up the hose... jeff rochester-MSD = same MSD branded ones are cheaper for some reason!
  5. Ive been in Beauies ute with the traction control and it works very nice, dale
  6. you should have a look around instead of just sticking with bosch stuff, there are a lot of brand around that will fit in the T's with out any mods, I can pretty much get anything from 500cc to 1600cc that will fit straight in, my pick would be the MSD 720cc jobs. dale
  7. hitman and the other xr6t's are heading out once the valve springs etc are changed, ill be there with brownters starlet as well, hoping to run into the 11's with that, Dynowog, I hear what you are saying, DD did dig them selves a nice hole with that one!! shoot out mode is a good comparasion between cars on the same dyno, same day! that's about it!!
  8. reason for using shoot_81 is the ramp rate on shoot_6 is too slow, it really drags on the run, all the shootout ramp rates are too slow for my liking, intake air temp sensor is placed inside the air intake to the air box, it is placed in the same spot for all cars, either wrapped around the pod filter or in the intake to the air box, intertia is the same for all shootout modes, only ramp rate changes, as for shootout making more power than not in shootout I have proved on many occasions most cars loose a little power when in shoot out mode. when the dynos are used correctly the results are repeatable, when people start messing with factors they shouldnt that's when you start getting into funny results, MRC are a shoot out workshop with all the latest calabrations and software. Regards Dale
  9. I hear you mate, the dyno at MRC cost over $85,000, and then $20k++ for the room with extraction fans, sound proofing etc, then the power to run the dyno, fans, lights etc for the day, when you consider all this $50 for a few runs isnt too bad, every other dyno day I have been to has cost between $40 and $60 summernats cost me over $500 to have 6 runs!
  10. all cheaper AFR guages that use the single wire 02 sensor are useless, they are not accurate and are basically pointless, save your money and buy something worth while dale
  11. Thanks for the reply .What exactly is the difference between the shoot out modes 4,6,8,etc .,,, ktford,,,,,,279.1rwkw & 750Nm ...NICE the only difference in the modes is the ramp rates, shoot4 is 101 shoot6 is 130 odd shoot8 is 151 shoot3r is 151 shoor81 is 200 odd personally I think the ramp rates are too low. Dale
  12. BP, barometric pressure AT, air Temp IT, Inlet temp RR, Ramp rate RH, Humidity the rest are dyno dynamics calabrations from memory, Shoot6 is the shootout mode the run was done in, there is shoot4, shoot6, shoot8, shoot81, shoot3r, all different modes for different cars, Hope this helps Dale
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