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  1. Bit off topic ,But Ford needs to bring the Petrol Turbo Back and a V8 option ,falling behind the other Manufacturers ?. Turbo Diesel pfft for an SUV .
  2. Ford servicing would charge that much. Agree $500 for others is more realistic.
  3. Hi In addition I see the CV Stage 1 performance mods ,cai ,debung,tune are recommending a transmission tune otherwise its will fry the transmission ,is this to do with lock up points ,as I thought the transmissions could handle substantially more than 245kw . Can the kick back points in manual shift mode be changed with tx ecu tuning /programming ?. Cheers
  4. Hi All &^ thanks for the other reading and info . A couple of Q's . Does anyone run different oil filters and oil after Stage 1 modifications ?. Do most of the XR6 Turbo mods apply to the Terri ?. Cheers & Thanks, & Merry Christmas& New Year.
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