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Everything posted by adie

  1. Freaky spent all yesterday crying and hitting the refresh button every minute. I think he vowed not to go to bed til it was back up. You're addicted freaky. You need help.
  2. I use water, but I found one that tastes alright with water.
  3. You're buying me an e85 tune ff? Thankyou!!!
  4. Yeh ratter that's true, but seeing as 90% of people talking about losing points causing loss of licence, rather than gaining demerit points, ive just found it easier and less confusing to start talking about losing points. lol.
  5. I still have all mine too Have lost 6 in the past, but that was over 3 years ago.
  6. bulky guys with legs skinnier than mine is not a good look.
  7. Consider who is going to be driving with the baby the most. They're the ones that should have the safer car.
  8. How many babies could I have possibly had in the past four months? lol
  9. No need for keys in hand? Awesome for someone with a baby! Trying to find keys in a handbag when you're carrying anything is bloody annoying.
  10. I didn't need to pay a second person to administer the needles and watch my vitals, which is what the anethestist does. I was awake throughout the whole thing - an anethestist puts you under. Never said I didn't have anything to stop the pain...
  11. So? Can't say I watch a Jason Statham movie for te storyline....
  12. Don't be a pussy henz - I had all of my wisdom teeth taken out without the anethestist. Just a couple of needles. Cost me $600 before the rebate.
  13. Please dont blame yourself :( Some people just dont want help.
  14. XR6Menace that's so sad! I hope you're ok...that sort of thing can really affect those who knew the person. Just dont blame yourself. A lot of the time people who a suicidal are so god at hiding it from others, so it comes as a big shock. Jsut dont bottle up how you're feeling. I know crying and talking about this isnt seen as a "manly" thing to do, but its probably going to be harder on you if you pretend you're ok.
  15. Did you just refer to his sister as a man? lol
  16. Just cant be bothered at work this week. All the managers & stores owners are off at conference learning about how to grow our business getting pissed, and I'd rather be at home. I need more sleep, and im moving house in a couple of weeks so I's prefer to start packing.
  17. Sadly I don't think the t-shirts would stop it lol. Was great meeting you.
  18. Think I've found my new sig pic - thanks gary! Will change it Monday. Thanks again for organizing it all - we should keep doing forum social nights like that.
  19. FG50T it's the fact that he claims it's cause he isn't of an Aussie background is what people find rediculous. This is such a diverse group. I know the first few meets I went to I had to introduce myself to people.
  20. We just Got to the meet point
  21. Just be careful of Dre, Nick. he likes to pick up at meets.
  22. When I take proper new photos lol.
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