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Everything posted by adie

  1. I don't make sammiches for people at work.
  2. Morning all. Am on kitchen duty this week at work. The guy on last week told everyone he was going to throw out almost everything in the fridge while it was his turn. But he didn't. I went through it this morning and found a tub of yogurt that had been in their so long it had grown hair. And possibly teeth. So nasty!
  3. My dad got food poisoning years ago. He ordered chicken teriyaki, and was really sick for weeks after. A lot of other people got sick from the same restaurant - they all had the chicken ceaser salad. Turns out that it wasn't the chicken. It was actually the egg based salad dressing, which had been accidentally put on my dads salad instead of the one it was meant to come with.
  4. Looks great. Looks like it would have made a hell of a mess though!!!
  5. Morning all! Made lemon meringue pie for the first time yesterday. Forgot to take a pic though. Left the whole pie at Pazz's house, so there may not be anything left to take a photo of lol.
  6. I figure with 5 hours difference this can't be counted as double posting?? Anyway, have a read of this: http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/article/2013/08/31/371912_news.html This accident happened in my mums home town...at the level crossing on the street she lives on. There's never been any boom gates - it's a dirt road that leads to 5 houses. Guess we're lucky to even have warning lights. When I head down that way I always come to a complete stop to check for the train before I drive over. The level crossing is on a crest of a hill, so it's slow going over it. I have no intention of being cleaned up by a freight train
  7. Went to the gym this morning dressed for typical melbourne weather. Big mistake.
  8. Dafuq? I keep telling people that they're wrong when they say you're whipped!!!
  9. Morning all. Had to drive into work this morning. They cancelled my train for the second time this week, which means the one after it would have been packed. I'd rather sit in traffic in my car, than stand on an overcrowded train. Also, Pazz isn't whipped. He asked me to post on his behalf, so I did.
  10. He asked me to post for him.
  11. Pazz is currently on the train to go pick up his car from Ford, after it played up AGAIN. He's worked hard today, and is probably sweaty, but he says he's sprayed deodorant to mask the stench of man. He's getting quite offended though, because no one wants to sit next to him. Not even he guy talking to himself that's standing near the door. If Pazz had feelings I think they would be hurt right now. He says there are too many weirdos on the train.
  12. I've been going to the gym lots recently.
  13. Pazz keeps telling me we're going to the gym...and then we don't go. Had to drive into work this morning, cause they cancelled my train, and the one after it always shows up late...and so full it's like 100's of people are playing sardines. Really not interested in that.
  14. Jamie's platelet count jumped up another 13 on its own. She's now only 12 more off remission!!
  15. I've had enough of today. Would like to go home now.
  16. Wasn't even the Pazz workout
  17. Did legs on Saturday. They still f*cking hurt. Add heels into the mix...wow it hurts to walk. Think I need to buy some flats.
  18. Had to update our cleaning roster at work to include "put dishwasher tablet in dishwasher" after the guy whose turn it was last week forgot to do it every day. Idiot.
  19. Same reason we all do, SDP. We need the money.
  20. I'm starting to worry about Pazz. I think he's interested in someone else....
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