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Everything posted by adie

  1. I haven't shopped since boxing day. Ask Pazz. Didn't know there was one in yarraville...
  2. I agree, point cook still sucks. Had they built the roads required to cope with the massive increase of traffic, it would have been fine. But they didn't. But because they're putting in a grill'd, I decided to take a point off point cooks suckiness score. Means I don't have to drive to high point for a burger. Woo!
  3. The local servo has put up a heap of banners advertising the new iced coffee up and go...I go in to buy one...they haven't got their stock yet. Why advertise the damn things then!!!!
  4. They're opening a grill'd near my house!!! Point cook sucks a little less now.
  5. Take it up with Ebay if need be. Possibly you got them cheaper than she expected to sell them, which is why all of a sudden she wont post them.
  6. Work supplied lunch again. I appear to be growing a food baby. Is that what you meant by me having twins?
  7. Im not having Freezes kids.
  8. Lol. that's actually quite scary.
  9. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. I must not take the bait. Damnit. I'm not having a baby!!!! Or twins! Or any other multiple of baby!!! NO BABIES!
  10. Morning all Think everyone slept in this morning...I actually had a decent drive to work. 20min total! Of course that means I showed up half an hour early though...Just cant win lol.
  11. One of the guys at work just ate my lunch. He's now going out to buy me lunch.
  12. He worked out how to use the hotel wifi, so I finally got a response to my email of..so what am I doing with this?" Turns out I needed to get offer from suppliers for a bunch of products...none of which were in the catalogue left on my desk.
  13. Lol!!! That's sig worthy I reckon.
  14. Why is pazz included in that?
  15. Morning all. Was only 10 minutes late to work today, and it took only 30min to get out of point cook. All because of a broken down car on the side of the road. Sigh. I've done the trip to work from Hampton Park in less time than it takes me from point cook. Going to have to start leaving home before 7am to drive the 20k's to work. I start at 8am. Its utter bullsh*t, and its going to get worse when work moves to port melbourne.
  16. Freaky google pregnancy food restrictions.
  17. Fluff, a friend of mine had a baby recently, and she was whining about the food rules.
  18. Selling ute cause we need a sedan? I own a sedan already. Not that it matters, cause I'm not pregnant. If I was pregnant I would be abiding by the food rules...but lunch today included deli meat and soft cheeses, and I had a glass of wine with dinner last night. Please stop.
  19. There are actually several parts to the prinny in melbourne...and they dont all join up. Im out west. The one you're thinking of is east.
  20. Took me an hour 20 to get to work - including 45 minutes just to get out of point cook. 40 minutes of that time was on a 2k stretch of road. Its bullsh*t. I cant wait to leave. Such a badly designed suburb. The three exits out of point cook all come off Dunnings road, and all join onto the princes hwy.
  21. Coming back to work after a week off, and finding a catalogue on my desk with "FOLLOW UP" written on it. No other notes, no indication of what they want followed up...and the person who left the note is in China, with no idea on how to hook up his laptop to wifi. Dafuq am I meant to do????
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