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Everything posted by adie

  1. I dont own a computer, so if I'm not at work, my phone is my only option. And crap, Nic, is your mate ok?
  2. morning all. No more DST. made it easier to get up this morning, as it felt like I had a sleep in.
  3. Guess you don't love me then jet, because I got over my daddy issues
  4. My dad used to put me down a lot. It's taken a lot of soul searching to stop seeking his approval. I don't know why other people do it, but I did it cause I wanted him to be proud of me like he was my sisters. The funny thing is, now that I don't care, his behaviour towards me has changed.
  5. Pazz usually beats me to my house when he comes to visit. Freaky I guess you'll be either cooking, or living on takeaway when you two move in together?
  6. That's because I keep my kitchen clean One thing bothers me though. When I cook, I clean up the mess. When Pazzo cooks, I clean up the mess. Not fair.
  7. Posting this here so that Pazzo stops yelling at me for posting the first pic in the cooking thread.
  8. Pazz is cooking me dinner.
  9. Im getting emails from tomorrow here. the server has decided to swap AM and PM around, so all the emails I got this morning are marked PM, and all the ones ive had since midday are marked AM. IT are blaming daylight savings. lol. This is only happening in my inbox. not my sent items.
  10. That's what I do too. There's been times where if I hadn't had leftovers, I would have had to go hungry.
  11. Screenshot from my email. Apparently I'm being contacted by people in the future
  12. J@, I ate it already. I work with a guy like that too. leaves his food on his desk for several days because he decides he wants take away. Eventually eats what he brought in earlier in the week. Doesn't even microwave it. We don't know how he hasn't gotten food poisoning yet.
  13. He thinks leftovers = instant salmonella. I take the leftovers to work the next day. Had chicken and vegie soup with cheese and chive scones. Yum.
  14. How to burn 800 calories in only 30 minutes
  15. Every time I said I would he decided he wanted take away instead
  16. Cooked for Pazz last night. He liked it, and I didn't poison him. Yay!
  17. But we've agreed on something once...I think....
  18. Wasn't me. I may not like the pictures, but I wouldn't report them. I just stopped anything from forced 6 appearing in my newsfeed.
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