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Everything posted by masda74

  1. am I missing something here? If you upgrade the Injectors, Cat and the actuator, then surely you have to get the car retuned. If you are upgrading the in tank pump, I think the regulator needs to be changed to. don't quote me on this as I have not changed mine. Can someone in the know how about the pump, please tune in?
  2. Where are you based? Perth? Melbourne? Sydney? Brisbane?
  3. ffs this is really get old in the tooth. the previous posts were not showing up, hence my reference to someone posting a youtube video about comparing TT. Funny enough two posts above mine, there is the youtube video today.
  4. So Next thursday, which is the 17th of Feb, I will be heading down to the motorplex. Anyone else want to head down that way?
  5. I see you in the same boat as me. I need a custom sized shed made for my place and I am sick and tired of looking for this unicorn.......
  6. Well it might just be that I have a manual and driving at 110km/h sees the instant economy up in the 10/12s in sixth gear. I can't say that I have seen my fuel economy per tank at less than 10l/100km in a long time. Yes I know, I have a lead foot.
  7. Welcome to the forum. We hope you enjoy your time on the forum. I think you might not get a reply any time soon, as we tend to fear those the sign up to the forum and post once. When they get the answer that they after, they tend to run and never to be seen again. We normally advise new member to use the search function at the top right to find the answers you want, as these sort of questions have been asked previously. Search and yee shall find. Hopefully someone with the know how will reply soon. This post is a bump for your thread as well.
  8. Welcome to the forum. We hope you enjoy your time with us. I think you may not get a reply any time soon, as we tend to fear those the sign up to the forum and post once. When they get the answer that they after, they tend to run and never to be seen again. I encourage you to Post some pics of you car and tell us a bit more. We tend to advise new member to use the search function at the top right to find the answers you want. Hopefully someone with the know how will reply soon. This post is a bump for your thread as well.
  9. I can now see the 7 new replies. There was a youtube video posted somewhere else comparing twin turbo to single turbo and it seemed like the single turbo was better. If the engine was a V6/V8, I could understand why twin turbo. However for a straight 6, is there really that much benifit going twin turbo? Response all the way through the rev range, but less power overall is what comes to mind for me.
  10. far out dude. that is some serious mining. The thread was last replied in 2007. I am not sure any of those guys are still around. I am sure that the more active users at this time, will reply soon and hopefully you get the answer you want.
  11. sweet results mate. wish I could get mine down that low. What speed were you sitting at on the freeway though?
  12. You have not mentioned what year or Model you have. If you have a BA or a BF, then these manuals should help ya out https://mega.co.nz/#F!loVQwT5D!a_eVD1oUflY1DMd1Gq_MRw
  13. ^^^ I believe that there is a reservoir in the engine bay(next to the Brake master cylinder) which allows you to top it up with Brake Fluid(???? are they serious about this ????). I am assuming this is where you monitor your Transmission fluid. Keep in mind that my sedan is a manual and I am not sure if they have the same thing in an auto. Is this right?
  14. Daewoo once is that going to come out right or look like the posts above
  15. If that is true then the sprint is off my list then. Fark that just sh*ts me.
  16. It should be a HIM, ALARM or Diagnostic Connector issue then. Nah just kidding mate. sorry, but I have no idea where to start. I am just bumping your post to get others to reply.
  17. Ohhhhhh f*ck YEAH. Then the 17th of Feb is when I am going. I need a loan helmut as I am sure they are going to give me grief about the helmut I got. so who else is coming? Come on, let's make this a mid week cruise????
  18. that was a negative. didn't give me much time to organise anything with the thread locked. I don't want to be the only loner there with an XR6T. I would prefer to have company. so anyone up for WAW next week or the week after?
  19. hahahaha Gold. Is that how Luke got to be a site admin???
  20. Kyle, the thread has been quiet because no one was allowed to post in here. looks like Dags has fixed the issue. it was a permission issue. Yay for Dags
  21. what the XR6T comes with Sunroof standard? I think I got ripped off then as I have no sunroof.
  22. been up for 3 and a half hours and I know what you mean by Morning People..... but some of those morning people at the gym are hot..... smoking hot even with all the sweat..... Freggin it has been a bad three weeks for the car. first the interior door handle came off. Contacted fraud and was quoted 682 clams for a new door trim. I was like WTF..... seriously. Shopped around on ebay and found a replacement door handle assembly from Jeffersons ford in Melbourne. got the replacement part a week and a half later. Then last weekend I replaced the interior door handle assembly and found out why they quote a whole new door trim. The plastic on the inside is melted around the 4 corner holes of the door handle assembly. I used a gas soldering iron to melt the plastic the least amount that I could to make it soft and got the old assembly out. put the new one in and 3 of the corner supports work well when I reheated them. the last one had to be a bitch and snap. so a metal self tapping screw with a wash was put in place to support that corner. All has been working well and touch wood it won't be an issue in the future. Then last week end my freggin reverse sensors went on the brink. MOTHER f*ckING FORD AND THEIR REVERSE SENSORS!!!!!!! My wife's ford has sensors and they have been f*cked since new. Now mine were working fine till last weekend. When reversing into a parking spot at the local shopping sensor, The sensor's went solid when I was in the f*cken wall!!! Fark the rear bumper is all scratch and I am pissed. I hate the car right now cause each time I see the boot, I have the urge to just sell the f*cken piece of sh*t. Then yesterday morning and this morning, the car has been rough as guts when starting up. I have to let her run for at least 15 seconds after she cranks before I can put her in reverse and drive off. If I don't wait, then she stalls. This really should be in the WPYO thread.
  23. What you on about Kyle? I have no idea what you mean by Noise Factory.... As recommended by Luke, try these out: http://www.carbuilders.com.au/
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