fark me, that switch hanging there like that is doing my head in, mount it somewhere at least. I feel for those network cables.
The division has it's ups and downs.
You need to understand that you can play single player on the outside of the dark zone.
If you want to go into the darkzone, then you need to be in a group of 4 people playing co-op.
Yes there was a stage where there were hackers shooting through walls in the dark zone and simply hoarding top level sh*t.
They killed you regardless and then just took the good sh*t and left the rest behind.
you could run around hoarding sh*t by following them and then making a drop off in the same place and collect as much as you can.
once they left you could then extract all the goodies, but it was difficult to do and you had to have the patience. Something I did not have.
They have since fixed the issue and banned the hackers.
At the moment, the issue is that for you to get any good top level green fluorescent stuff, you either hunt around for a while, or take a risk and try kill other agents in the dark zone to see if they got any good stuff. This automatically turns you into a rouge agent and if you kill more than x amount of agents in x amount of time, this turns on the rougue hunt mission where your agent location is shown on the map for 5 minutes by a red skull.
This means that everyone will come hunting for you and you better be prepared for a sh*t fight.....
The other knight, I hooked up with a group of rogue agents that everyone hated as they had top level guns and sh*t and you had no chance against them.
They were pretty cool actually and helped me level up heaps.
It was like Christmas in July at the end of the night as they literally dropped all their green sh*t that they didn't want and I got to extract it too.
In essence the Division is okay, but more enjoyable if you play co-op in a group of 4 people.
The latest DLC was made available recently for those with Season passes.
I am thinking about getting a season pass as it is on special through uplay.