Take this with a grain of salt. I am no pro, but I am aware you have a BA. Yes we all have a goal in mind for a specific power figure.
I had a goal of reaching 300rwkw and above, which was achieved 2 years ago. Yep I hit the 310RWKW in my FG.
I thought I would be happy with this figure and I would not upgrade again. Guess what happened 2 weeks ago? I got a second round of mods done.
What I am trying to say is that you should get the appropriate supporting mods in case you change your mind later on and upgrade.
Do It once and do it right. Don't spend twice.
I would suggest getting the PW stage 2 inter-cooler, but the hype at the moment is the Johnny Tig cooler.
If you can afford it, then get that instead. I know that the PW stage 1 Inter-cooler has been pushed to 400rwkw somewhere, but just look at the pics of the Johnny Tig cooler!!
You have chosen wisely in getting the ID 1000 injectors. allows you to push the car further down the track, should you upgrade the turbo at a later stage.
Not much more I can say right now. Have fun and I hope all goes to plan.
PS, budget in for additional costs like your timing chain kits, valve springs and harmonic balancer.