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Everything posted by masda74

  1. It is the signature in tapatalk. Go to settings and turn off signature. Beaten to it.
  2. Far out I am so tempted to go for a drive to the seveneleven to get me one now......
  3. I am definitely getting old then. I am pretty sure I meant 50TB and not 50GB per month for that price. Once I know more, I will let you know.
  4. I have a dropbox account, three actually and they all full. I got to setup the new NAS(assuming I will ever receive it) I just got the third notification this week that it has been delayed yet again. Was meant to arrive on Friday. nothing came through. was told on Monday that it should be here this Friday. Got notification today saying the NAS would be here on 2nd of March. Fark me, I am pissed. will download all my data from Drop box accounts onto NAS and work out what I need and don't need. Then delete everything from Drop box accounts. I will then compress all photo's and videos and upload to drop box. I have a onedrive account as part of work and seems to work just like dropbox does. especially with the software installed. not through their webpage. Can't be stuffed putting private data in there thought. I have local backups of my photos and videos, but I have no idea where both the 4TB external caddies are. One day my wife decided that she would do a cleanup of my IT room and I haven't seen them since ffs. I don't have my NAS device yet. I want to have local copies of data and offsite copies too. The reason for this, is incase the house catches fire, I have offsite copies. I was going to buy the hdd drives at MSY, but then I thought about the hassle it would be to drive to two separate locations to pickup the equipment. I have a GEIL SSD that my cousin gave me. I don't think I will use their stuff no more. I like the corsair and the Samsung products. I have 3 x 500gb Samsung 840/850 pro's. good stuff. I like what you have suggested, but Steve's moto seems to make more sense. I was recently told of some site where you pay something between $5-$15 a month for 50GB worth of storage. I forgot which site, but I just spoke to the bloke today and he said he would email me the info, when he got home.
  5. As mentioned, I put it into another Dell laptop and would not boot. I plugged it into my gaming machine and did not make any changes to the boot sequence. Windows 10 booted as normal and my login showed up. Logged in and checked windows explorer and to my surprise, the damn thing was listed as the F drive. I grabbed all the Data I needed and boooooooooooooooooooooooooooobs your uncle, I was a happy man. This has been ordered... image snapshots has caught my attention. https://www.qnap.com/en-au/product/model.php?II=214
  6. so it sold. I take it we won't hear from Boris for quite some time then.
  7. It depends on the amount of airflow through the IC if there is a difference in this airflow from the stock, to which ever IC you put in, then a Tune is recommended.
  8. Hope you enjoy your stay here. To have found an FG with that low KM's, sounds like it might even be a weekend car. I believe that $21k is a decent price, but you may want to check and see if the diff bushes are okay.
  9. Tried it in another dell laptop and not recognised. Will plug it into my gaming PC tonight. SSD's are meant to be more reliable than HDD's my arse.
  10. The laptop I had plans to use for the HP tuners software has had a major mulfunction. THE SSD is not recognized and the boot device is not present, which means windows 10 will not start. All this hard work for the past 3 months has gone down the drain as I forgot to backup my data and tune files. FML!!!!!!!!!!! Life has not been kind lately.
  11. masda74

    New Members Thread

    single spinner life. I would get all fluids swapped, if you handy with tools. That colour is awesome.
  12. masda74

    New Members Thread

    Congratulations. Hope you have fun and get what you were after. nice colour.
  13. @bigwheelin it has been a month since you first posted about this. Are you still looking for a turbo? If so, where are you located?
  14. uhhhhh.... ^^^^^ that aint stripes posting. @.Stripes. don't have a ford. No worries about the pump gears. just remember that once those gears go, there is nothing from stopping that rod or piston from coming out the side.. in regards to the tranny cooler, have you still got the oem on or an aftermarket one?
  15. cool. thanks for looking into that. Hopefully @Dulkie will find the solution and post back here what it was. With only 1 post under his belt, I take it that he might even do a runner before posting back. I hope he stays around long enough to enjoy.
  16. I take it that this is an auto yeah? It sounds like you might actually have a manual. If an auto, then think about getting the OEM tranny cooler swapped out for an aftermarket one. If manual I would seriously have considered getting the oil pump gears done. I thought I would risk it, but I have hit the limiter once by accident for a split second. Got me worried heaps. The problem is that with a 3576, it spools up so fast. The revs just jump for the sky and before you know it the limiter has kicked in especially in first gear. Anyways carry on.
  17. Previously on the old forum system, you could go to the member's profile and view his forum friends. This would at least give you an opportunity to contact their friends to bring their sorry asses back to the forum. I see that the friends list is no longer there. I take it that this is going to be a berry berry berry long shot. ^^^^ Turn on his email notification for us please so that we can tag him again. Maybe he will be back?????
  18. That was a good I am not sure if the members in this thread have been on recently. Hopefully someone else can answer this for ya.
  19. From the reading I hve done over the years, most people suggest going with the genuine ford coils, but @-Stever- might have a few words to say about that.
  20. I was going to ask the same question. What facebook group is this? I take it the forum has a closed fb page then.
  21. Ahh dude you missed an accessory, since it is a work ute, you need the cb radio in the centre console where the tissue box is.
  22. I knew that would weed him out. I thought as much, that Steve was trying get someone sucked in........
  23. Congrats @.Stripes. That is good news.
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