I have a dropbox account, three actually and they all full.
I got to setup the new NAS(assuming I will ever receive it) I just got the third notification this week that it has been delayed yet again.
Was meant to arrive on Friday. nothing came through. was told on Monday that it should be here this Friday.
Got notification today saying the NAS would be here on 2nd of March.
Fark me, I am pissed. will download all my data from Drop box accounts onto NAS and work out what I need and don't need.
Then delete everything from Drop box accounts.
I will then compress all photo's and videos and upload to drop box.
I have a onedrive account as part of work and seems to work just like dropbox does. especially with the software installed.
not through their webpage. Can't be stuffed putting private data in there thought.
I have local backups of my photos and videos, but I have no idea where both the 4TB external caddies are.
One day my wife decided that she would do a cleanup of my IT room and I haven't seen them since ffs.
I don't have my NAS device yet. I want to have local copies of data and offsite copies too.
The reason for this, is incase the house catches fire, I have offsite copies.
I was going to buy the hdd drives at MSY, but then I thought about the hassle it would be to drive to two separate locations to pickup the equipment.
I have a GEIL SSD that my cousin gave me. I don't think I will use their stuff no more.
I like the corsair and the Samsung products.
I have 3 x 500gb Samsung 840/850 pro's. good stuff.
I like what you have suggested, but Steve's moto seems to make more sense.
I was recently told of some site where you pay something between $5-$15 a month for 50GB worth of storage.
I forgot which site, but I just spoke to the bloke today and he said he would email me the info, when he got home.