Hello everybody. I am new to the forum and have found it to be a foundation of information that is well worth my time. Thanks to everyone. I have recently bought the xr6 Turbo and have been enjoying the ride so much in comparison to the girls ride I had before(Mazda3). However with the luxury of having so much power at one's FOOT per say, it comes at a cost. I have done 880km so far and that was two tank fulls. At $89.00 a pop for each tank, I am feeling the pinch, hehehe. From what I have read so far, the "edit" could help me in the sense that if I get a custom setup done, I could reduce the fuel consumption and gain extra power. The extra power is not necessary for me and the question that begs to be answered is: Is there a way to get a custom setup done where the power remains the same but fuel consumption is improved? The other question I have, is that when I picked up the car from the dealer he told me not to run the car with 95. He said the car would not so well. With a custom map, will it allow you to run 95 safely?