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Everything posted by masda74

  1. our kids are 6 and 9 now. not the kids. just life worries in general. sucks. I am off to bed to see if I can get a good nights rest.
  2. I believe that the ute has been registered as he got his engineering certificate. He stopped frequenting the antilag and ford forums as he got slaughtered for having a go at the bloke that crashed into his taxi. He was under a lot of stress at the time due to finances and the industry regulation changes. He said he won't be coming back after all the sh*t he got for that incident. I see why a lot of people gave him sh*t and he shouldn't have done it, but the whole incident put him more into debt. I believe he is still with swan taxi's though.
  3. Life in general. not having fun at all. Had holidays in sep and need another break now. Work is overrated. need a change in career.
  4. I had one of my bolts do this and it was a hairline crack in the rear housing. replacing the housing would be best or just upgrade to a new and better turbo
  5. Being rekted like this is not good for me. less than 6 hours sleep a day cause depression for me.
  6. Mostly "Holden" drivers. must say something. Only one ford caught and it looks like @skidxr6t was caught.
  7. afternoon siestas at work are not good.
  8. all good. I have seen a few of the R720 servers going for like $500 clams on some of the Perth computer and server groups. They can be had for cheap. Just thought I would point it out.
  9. yep, you are right. ignore this senile old fart.
  10. @Ozkart13, thanks for the update. Gapping in the spark plug had to be increased for E85? Surely with a gap of 0.7 it should ignite the fuel still? Also you still running the same boost for E85 aren't you? So why does changing the gapping from 0.7 to 1.0 fix the issue? Puff?
  11. that power edge 2900 is ancient stuff. It has a huge power consumption to go with those dual power supplies. The updated version which is a R7xx series is better and uses less power. If you had asked me about the network port with the spanner I could have told you that it is the iDrac or iLo port. Allows you to turn the server on remotely if need be and also allows you to check the state of you hardware. We use the iDrac ports all the time. life saver really. saves you from having to go into work on the weekends to power cycle a server. BTW, if you can manage to get an R730 in 2 RU form, then you are set for a long time. It might cost you an arm and a leg though.
  12. I was actually contacted by my wholesaler yesterday telling me that he managed to source me a RTX 2080Ti. I told him I didn't have the money. I had the money on the 15th of December, when he promised to get me a card. He had a card for me and I was going to pick it up. Then he called me and told me his boss took it for his mates. That ruined it for me. I am going to stick with this 1080Ti that I have as I have ordered a waterblock for it. After last night, it looks like I need a new case that is designed for water cooling. My Fractal Design R3 does not have sufficient spacing on top for a 360 rad......... Anyone wanna buy an R3? :P
  13. speaking of Taxi's. One of the WA members that no longer is on her, Phillmeup had 3 taxi's. they were constantly on the road. only time they stopped was to go in for a service. They got serviced every 10,000km religiously. Apparently he had one of the taxi's clock up 1.5 million km. I heard of another taxi doing 3.2million km. They are a work horse and need to be looked after. I know that they are not the turbo's but still.
  14. get a 1080Ti second hand off gumtree. problem solvered. Ordered waterblock for EVGA GTX1080Ti Sc2. Only one place in the world that still had stock as this line of product has been discontinued from EVGA. Now to plan the rest of the EK goodies that I am gonna get.
  15. @MBAF forget PUBG and Fortnite. Try Ring of Elysium (ROE)
  16. Maybe I should ask him, how many km on the clock?
  17. 150k work dane to it? WTF does that mean? Don't seem to see any go fast bits on the car.
  18. Have you had a look at other brands like the fibaro, Insteon (from envious technology), Vera and open hab? https://www.openhab.org/
  19. in all seriousness I did have a clunk in the back left side of my car for a while and it was the damn 1.5L bottle of water I had in the car in case of an emergency. However if you have a clunk, it is possible that your suspension needs to be looked at. I normally take my car to pedders for their $28 suspension check. They tell me what is wrong and then I take my car to Malaga suspension to get it all fixed. Cheaper to get Pedders to see what is wrong, rather than getting Malaga Suspension to check. Call me Mac Scrooge if you want.
  20. 9900K would be the preference, but at that cost?? I was looking at 9700k I think it is.
  21. check for 1.5L water bottle in boot.
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