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  1. fair enough. that really sucks. It shouldnt be anything serious. I was really looking forward to seeing that big 1000 mark!
  2. Joota

    Im In Finally

    engine bay pics and vids ? awesome stuff!!
  3. way to go mate this isnt in albury/wodonga is it?
  4. hahahah that's awesome mad respect!!
  5. way to go mate what power are you looking at?
  6. definetely need more smoke!! how did u get the sound of air rushing taken off the iphone? mine would just sound like kcccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  7. that's insane! watch out for the dog!
  8. hahaha nahh its Floyd decided to get a real account instead of using facebook. Footage??? :D
  9. footage of it in action!?!?!
  10. Joota

    Kents 9 Sec Ute

    that video was inspiring :D have you got anymore, any incar footage you could throw up? :D
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