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Everything posted by Boganspeed

  1. Yeah all that occurred to me when I read it in the event guide, that's why I called them. I'm sure it'd be fine as everybody seems to get away with it. But it'll actually work out better for me as I can keep the sticky nittos on the 17's and the young bloke will pull the good dunlops off the 19's and fit up some Chinese goodness. I'll grab a couple of spares to be fitted up at the track just in case. Powercruise virgin here - I'll work out what rules to bend later.
  2. Spoke to the powercruise people today to clarify their rules for tyres in the cruises and apparently I can't fit the 17"s for cruising and leave the 20's on the front. They are to be same size as fronts so I might fit the original 19's up and bake them instead. Not so keen on killing $900 worth of 20x285 Falkens. So it looks like the 19's for bakage and leave the NT05R's on the 17's for dragage.
  3. 400rwkw stretched the bolt holes on the stock flex plate pretty quickly. Nizpro one with ARP bolts now in place. Powercruise next weekend, fingers crossed for no problems.
  4. Pretty sure the young bloke won't want to stump up $250 just to drive my ute, but you never know. He'll defo want to be in the passengers seat. I've got my NT05R's on the BA 17" rims but I want to put some cheapies on those so I can bag em up. If I want some grip, then I'll just have to fit my 20's back up with the 285's. They hook up okay in second when theyre hot and the surface is good. If you want to take my rattle gun and charger with you for the weekend, you'd be welcome to. Then I can just bring some wheels and use your jack and also have somewhere to keep my good rims.
  5. Okay f*ck it, I'm in. Probably Saturday and maybe Sunday if it's super awesome. The young bloke can come and have a drive too, that'll make his day. So Chris, what's the norm with wheels and tyres? Do people just swap between road tyres and bag up tyres? Will you be taking a jack? I have a battery rattle gun and can bring a jack and put some $100 tyres on my BA rims.
  6. John, can you please come on a cruise soon?
  7. Heh you're probably right but I'd probably be only wanting to do one day and $250 for one day is a bit rich for my blood.
  8. Nah there was a fair bit of crap on the road from all the weather so we agreed that a decent gap was good to keep headlights and paint jobs intact.
  9. You know when you're really having fun when you stop talking and just drive.
  10. That red thing looks like a bag full of arse. White one is better.
  11. Just in case anyone wonders if they can use my spot at home.
  12. Ive got a daytime country map almost sorted if you need something. Doesn't make it all the way to toodyay but it has corners.
  13. Call XFT mate, if they have a Nizpro one in stock, they can knock it out in under a day.
  14. I have manta 4" to twin 3", I don't have any droning issues but overall it is louder than other systems. At cruise on the highway, I can hear it but it's okay. I wouldn't want to live in the hills with it though. I had a few issues with it touching the body but is now all good after a bit of lovin'. I went with this system as XFT reckon it's about the best system around. Which, of course, is subjective.
  15. Yeah only two, but its always the way on these trips. There's always guys that can't make it, sometimes you one ten, sometimes you get two. We'll run it again anyway in a while, so you better start sweet talking the baby sitters for so you can bring the missus away for the weekend.
  16. Good luck mate, hopefully that's what it is. Not cheap, but not serious either. You should consider an upgraded one with good bolts and loctite if it is. This is what mine looked like, you can see the egged holes, and I caught this quickly. There was no retightening this one and fitting another stock one would probably have led to the same failure again.
  17. Speaking from my recent experience, it doesn't sound like the flex plate. When my flex plate went the other week, it rattled like a *beep* at idle but went quiet at any revs over that or while there was load on it. Cost you a bit under $1000 supply and fit at XFT for a Nizpro one. Fairly quick job if they have one there. But it was a tinny matallic type of rattle, that vid doesnt sound like it. Sorry :(
  18. The drive was a bit wet today so we took it a bit easier and enjoyed the scenery. Here's Mrs Speed doing a not so subtle photo bomb just near Mumballup. Thanks for the great weekend and company Steve and Jen Looking forward to seeing some of your pics.
  19. Yeah, the weather held off which is great, besides some sticks getting caught under the ute and Steve's front stone tray coming loose, there were no issues today. The wags had a great day too, besides the odd fingernail mark in the seats. Looking forward to more turbo falcons next time.
  20. What a day ! Could post more but didn't really take any. Steve ?
  21. Good spotting Steve, I'll need some oil soon, 5K service intervals are a PITA. Did one on the last maintenance day and after this weekends two day cruise, I'll be 1000ks off the next one :( Although, as of Monday I'm officially a train commuter so that'll cut down on my k's and stretch those services out heaps. The down side is I dont get to drive my awesome ute every day and have to sit next to people that smell (some more than me). What filters does everyone use ? I buy motorcraft ones, they're pretty cheap from Ford. Also, I've been sitting here since 6am with the intention of getting a couple of hours work done before getting ready for the cruise today but instead, I'm stting here on the internet. And I'm not even looking at tits !
  22. Weather is still kinda holding up. A shower or two today by the look of it. It'll still be a good drive anyway. For any last minute joiners, if accomodation isnt available in Pemby, Manjimup isnt far away, but the hotels are about 2 star :( Manji Pub is very cheap to stay at though.
  23. Good on you for taking so many pics. I'm lucky if I can be bothered taking one at the start and one at the finish !
  24. Im not a fan of private plates, easier for witnesses to remember.
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