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About tonkjr

  • Birthday 25/04/1986

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  1. Happy Birthday tonkjr!

  2. Happy Birthday tonkjr!

  3. Happy Birthday tonkjr!

  4. Happy Birthday tonkjr!

  5. I'll try I'm moving house and trying to save for a Mel wood option 3 as my clutch slips in 4th 5th and 6th if I get on it hard
  6. Canon muffler is not going to happen guys it was just a thought where can I get just a rear muffler in WA
  7. There is a photo of it up on the lift in my guarage have a look if you like
  8. Center muffler has all ready been removed
  9. A little more noise and a non factory look
  10. I can't find anyone who is selling just the rear muffler I all ready have a twin 2.5 inch middle section and 4inch dump but it still has the standard rear muffler
  11. Has anyone put a canon style muffler on a xr6t?
  12. hay guys I have a 2006 bf xr6 t lowered its toxic green and I want to put a new set of wheels on it but im not to sure what will look good. Im tending towards a black or dark wheel nothing to big so 18 or 19 inch any thoughts
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