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About 2ter

  1. 2ter

    ute register

    Mick in Canberra 2011 FG XR6t ute with luxury pack Colour = Sunburst Tinted - 5%rear 6 sp auto All standard Goes like a rocket :sungum:
  2. Have the exact same issue - did the 3k piece of mind service - dealer advises it is a common fault - with no fix as yet - I'll escalate it too. Happens on 98 as well with mine...
  3. 2ter

    New Members Thread

    Thanks Pookey Yep thought as much on the warranty issue - let the battle begin... Found the thread
  4. 2ter

    New Members Thread

    Newbie here. I've a FG XR6T Ute. Just had the 3k Ford "piece of mind" service - I asked them what the engine 'stutter' on start up was (this has developed on start up and ceases a few seconds later) - Ford dealer said it was a common fault with no fix as yet - they checked the vehicle has the latest software installed and it does. It begs the question - if the FG has been out for about two years then how come Ford haven't come up with a fix? Any pointers would be much appreciated. Also what basic mods are recommended that don't void a warranty. Or do all mods void warranty? Great forum, resources and information thanks cheers Mick
  5. 2ter

    New Members Thread

    Giday, found the this forum via Google Have FG XR6T Ute. Just had the 3k Ford "piece of mind" service - I asked them what the engine 'stutter' on start up was (this has developed on start up and ceases a few seconds later) - Ford delaer said it was a common fault with no fix as yet - they checked the vehicle has the latest software installed and it does. It begs the question - if the FG has been out for about two years then how come Ford haven't come up with a fix? Any pointers would be much appreciated. Also what basic mods are recommended that don't void a warranty. Or do all mods void warranty? Great forum, resources and information thanks cheers Mick
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