Just wanted to say hello. Sold my SV6 Late model camira and bought a 6 month old FG XR6 turbo in white. Must say, it has punch compared to the commodore! Needless to say I will soon begin tinkering with it. Just wondering if anyone knows any good place to start looking at sound systems upgrades. Not looking to replace my back seat with a rows of speakers or anything crazy, but an upgrade would be nice. Also, I can't help but fiddle with the interior of my cars. What can I say, I am a girl and I like things to look pretty! So any links to modifying the interior would be much appreciated! My Late model camira had LED's, morphing colour needles and I removed the stock handles,dash, steering spokes etc, etc, and made them all match in silver. I've done a quick search but haven't found much... yet... So hello! Let the modifications begin... P.S. stupid facebook. It set my profile pic from a random photo I took of my cat. Must change that...