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  1. No not yet, but thanks for the link I do miss my morphing needles on my commodore, but this car is just so smoother and it purrs on the freeway. No comparison. I'll get over the needles.
  2. Just wanted to say hello. Sold my SV6 Late model camira and bought a 6 month old FG XR6 turbo in white. Must say, it has punch compared to the commodore! Needless to say I will soon begin tinkering with it. Just wondering if anyone knows any good place to start looking at sound systems upgrades. Not looking to replace my back seat with a rows of speakers or anything crazy, but an upgrade would be nice. Also, I can't help but fiddle with the interior of my cars. What can I say, I am a girl and I like things to look pretty! So any links to modifying the interior would be much appreciated! My Late model camira had LED's, morphing colour needles and I removed the stock handles,dash, steering spokes etc, etc, and made them all match in silver. I've done a quick search but haven't found much... yet... So hello! Let the modifications begin... P.S. stupid facebook. It set my profile pic from a random photo I took of my cat. Must change that...
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