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  1. Well actually haven't been bothered to take any decent interior photos. We had a magazine shoot a few weeks ago for Extreme Street I think, I'm dying to see the photos from it.
  2. Thanks so much for the help, to everyone who replied. In the unlikely event that in the future, there is someone as stupid as me who has this happen to them... it was so simple to fix. I just connected the battery charger to the positive going into the engine bay relay box. Earthed the negative and kept the charger on 2A (I was paranoid about frying something, because electricity is a total mystery to me and for all I know it is a form of magic). Then I hit the key, after a few moments she started to liven up a bit, and the boot release worked Glad I was able to provide some lulz to you guys, it's a talent of mine. Thanks again.
  3. Howdy yall, It's Friday night and I'm stuck at home with a flat battery. The battery lives under the floor in the boot, and is too flat to engage the boot release. The car is unlocked and I have access to the interior and under the bonnet. Obviously, in this situation a normal person would simply use the manual boot release cable. But, I can't fold down the rear seats to get to the boot, as some idiot thought it prudent to put 3 TV screens in a fixed custom panel where the rear seat used to be. That idiot being me. So does anyone have a clue how I can get enough juice into the battery just to engage the boot release? I have a battery charger handy and a very limited knowledge of car electrics or anything else for that matter. Thanks for reading this far.
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