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About ITS 71M

  • Birthday 09/08/1984

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  1. Happy Birthday ITS 71M!

  2. Happy Birthday ITS 71M!

  3. Happy Birthday ITS 71M!

  4. Happy Birthday ITS 71M!

  5. mine is a end off 09 first regoed in '10 n they changed it.
  6. I have used it to. but have only tried it on a n/a xr6 and it says throttle position is 14% on idle to me I dont think that is right but could be wrong. I hope it works on the turbo when I get it back. but for what it is seems to be a good app
  7. Mine has arrived well it at post office once again thank u Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk
  8. Thanks mate Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk
  9. I reackon I will recieve this b4 I get my car back :( Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk
  10. I done a bearing in diff replaced under warrenty and 2 weeks later twisted a tail shaft warrenty also just waiting to get car back
  11. hi there just my 2 cents worth I have a fg xr6t sedan 6spd auto and its getting fixed at moment so I am driving a fg xr6 non turbs model and the difference is incredabile in the way they drive I would not but a n/a at all not after driving the turbs n when I say they different I do mean regardless off the power but more mean the gearbox side and how much more u need to rev it to do any thing get the turbo for sure
  12. Got a phoncall today and apparently Ford have no tailshafts so they are making some. How long will the car be off the road no one can answer this at moment Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk
  13. Hi I am curious y u chose that one as well Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk
  14. warrenty yep for sure they did a new diff in it 2 weeks ago as well
  15. ok well I just a call from ford n the guy just said 'uneed a new tail shaft' well um I fiqured that one seen it dont line up any more. will b back on the road tomorrow ye ha.
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